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高知県産サワガニにおける肺吸虫の寄生状況. 17-2, 45-52.

技術科教員による材料加工技術を生かした教材開発. 17-2, 53-60.


木材を利用したものづくりのためののみによる丸太材加工方法の検討. 17-2, 61-65.




Call for Papers

We cordially invite scientists, researchers, students and professionals from country members of the Kuroshio region, especially the participants of the 16th International Kuroshio Science Symposium to submit your manuscripts to our Kuroshio Science journal Special Issue (18-1).

Submit your manuscript for the special issue of Kuroshio Science (Vol. 18, No. 1) by 10 May 2024. In detail, please see the “Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors” and "Call for Papers"
Do not hesitate to contact me (shinbo at kochi-u.ac.jp) if you have any question.

Vol.17 No.1(2023年10月)



Opening Remarks. 17-1, 1.
Ching-Nen Nathan Chen

Research Paper

Dynamics of catch and effort in entangling net and handline dominated fishing ground. 17-1, 2-13.
Renan U. Bobiles, Angelo P. Candelaria and Ronnel R. Dioneda, Sr.

Symposium Proceedings

Maturity and spawning period of shortfin scad, Decapterus macrosoma (Bleeker, 1851, Perciformaes: Carangidae) in Babuyan Channel, Philippines. 17-1, 14-21.
Melanie C. Villarao and Angel B. Encarnacion

Abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates along the coral reefs of Lagonoy Gulf with notes on algal herbivory. 17-1, 22-27.
Michael C. Borejon, Antonino B. Mendoza Jr and Joshua Karl B. Bista

Establishment and operation of Northern Pacific Seaboard Fisheries Management Area in the Philippine waters. 17-1, 28-30.
Emma L. Ballad and Angel B. Encarnacion

Analysis of villagers' perspectives and involvement in marine protected area management in Northern Luzon, Philippines. 17-1, 31-36.
Joela Mizchelle Aquino dela Vega, Emma Legaspi Ballad, Yoshinori Morooka and Teruyuki Shinbo

The 15th International Kuroshio Science Symposium

The 15th International Kuroshio Science Symposium Program. 17-1, 37-41.

The Sentiments of Graduate Students on the Symposium. 17-1, 42.

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 17-1, 43-44.







浦ノ内湾の干潟の生物多様性の現状と保全. 16-2, 51-59.
黒葛原伶人?高木 響?松田佑人?金谷 弦?三浦 収




Vol.16 No.1



Opening Remarks. 16-1, 1.
Hiroyuki Ukeda

Research Paper

Dynamics of bivalve-killing dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama and its infectious virus-like agent in Ago Bay from 2005 to 2007. 16-1, 2-8.
Yuji Tomaru, Naotsugu Hata, Masatsugu Fujiwara, Takeshi Masuda and Keizo Nagasaki

Symposium Proceedings

Establishing a marine protected area network in the Western Danajon Bank Bohol, Central Visayas, Philippines. 16-1, 9-14.
Wilfredo L. Campos, Liezel C. Paraboles, Samuel J. Gulayan, Ryan Dexter R. Piloton and Edline Rene Handugan

Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants as tonic by Karya Bhakti Village community of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Indonesia. 16-1, 15-26.
Yeni Mariani, Fathul Yusro, Yanieta Arbiastutie and Riconadi

Ethnomedicinal plants used by the community of Dayak Kanayatn tribe in the Tonang Village West Kalimantan, Indonesia. 16-1, 27-38.
Fathul Yusro, Yeni Mariani and Rika Purnama Sari

The 14th International Kuroshio Science Symposium

The 14th International Kuroshio Science Symposium Program. 16-1, 39-47.

List of Participants of the 14th International Kuroshio Science Symposium. 16-1, 48.

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 16-1, 49-50.


Call for Papers

We cordially invite scientists, researchers, students and professionals from country members of the Kuroshio region, especially the participants of the 14th International Kuroshio Science Symposium to submit your manuscripts to our Kuroshio Science journal Special Issue (16-1).

Submit your manuscript for the special issue of Kuroshio Science (Vol. 16, No. 1) by 30 April 2022. In detail, please see the “Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors” and "Call for Papers"
Do not hesitate to contact me (shinbo at kochi-u.ac.jp) if you have any question.






浦戸湾における環境勾配に沿った底生生物群集の空間構造. 15-2, 30-39.
高木 響?上野和真?三浦 収


相模湾江の島周辺の潮間帯と潮上帯におけるカニ相とその生息環境. 15-2, 40-55.
伊藤寿茂?嶋津雄一郎?加登岡大希?大下 勲?崎山直夫?植田育男


中山間地域における土地所有者認知の世代間比較. 15-2, 56-61.






Preface. 15-1, 1.
Teruyuki Shinbo

Keynote Lecture

Common dolphinfish fisheries in Babuyan Channel, Philippines. 15-1, 2-9.
ReaMae O. Casco, Melanie C. Villarao, Erickson Gumiran, Angel B. Encarnacion, Milagros C. Morales

Research Note

New record of the symbiotic alpheid shrimp Stenalpheops anacanthus Miya, 1997 from the middle of the Sea of Japan. 15-1, 10-13.
Kristian Q. Aldea, Yumi Henmi

Symposium Proceedings

Designing an integrative model of fisheries and mangrove resource management for disaster risk reduction in the typhoon-prone island of Catanduanes Island, Philippines. 15-1, 14-24.
Jimmy T. Masagca


Tribute to Prof. Victor S. Soliman. 15-1, 25-27.
Wilfredo L. Campos, Plutomeo M. Nieves, Antonio B. Mendoza

Editorial Policy and Instruction for Authors. 15-1, 28-29.





Burrow morphology of an alpheid shrimp at muddy tidal flats in western Japan. 14-2, 99-102.
Sota Kirihara, Gyo Itani, Jun-ichi Nunobe, Akihito Nomoto, Kristian Q. Aldea, Runa Murakami, Hiroshi Sakata, Yumi Henmi

アオウミガメの孵化幼体における保管の条件と期間が遊泳活性に及ぼす影響. 14-2, 103-112.
畠中俊暉?三宅香成?髙田光紀?笹井隆秀?深田晋悟?嘉陽宗幸?小淵貴洋?真栄田賢?真壁正江?河津 勲?斉藤知己





Opening Remarks

Opening Remarks. 14-1, 1-2.
Milagros C. Morales and Teruyuki Shinbo

Keynote Lecture

Diet analysis of juvenile fishes associated with zooplankton. 14-1, 3-6.
Sakiko Orui Sakaguchi, Kiyotaka Takishita, Katusnori Fujikura

Research Note

Hazard preparation for the fishingcommunity of Nato,Camarines Sur, Philippines usingthe participatory approach to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Planning. 14-1, 7-27.
Maria Christina G. Gumba*, Cristina P. Lim, Jasper R. Nieves, Ronnel A. Dioneda Jr.

Symposium Proceedings

Development of bottled tunanut. 14-1, 28-33.
Myrna C. Bigueja, Christine B. Bigueja

Ecotourism structure plan of Malabungot protected landscape and seascape: promoting sustainable coastal communities and ecosystems through comprehensive ecotourism development. 14-1, 34-45.
Ballad Emma L., Morales Milagros C.

Value chain analysis of abalone trading in Lahuy group of island in Caramoan, Camarines Sur, Philippines. 14-1, 46-53.
Karlo Pedro L. Medroso II, Joel B. Balasta, Percival O. Ebron

Standardization and sensory evaluation of bottled smoked Indian oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps). 14-1, 54-59.
Myrna C. Bigueja, Irene P. Daet, Glenda S. Sales

Assessment of mangroves in Malabungot Protected Landscape and Seascape in Garchitorena, Camarines Sur. 14-1, 60-70.
Jasper R. Nieves, Raul G. Bradecina

Symposium Program

Symposium Program. 14-1, 71-78.

Post Conference Report

Post Conference Report. 14-1, 79.
Emma L. Ballad, Evelyn C. Ame, Milagros C. Morales

List of Participants

List of Participants. 14-1, 80.

Symposium Synthesis

Symposium Synthesis. 14-1, 81-85.
Ronaldo R. Libunao

Plenary Sessions

Plenary Sessions. 14-1, 86-87.
Angel B. Encarnacion, Renan U. Bobiles, Plutomeo M. Nieves, Nico Jose Leander

Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions. 14-1, 88-96.
Wilfredo Campos, Alex P. Camaya, Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Jayvee A. Saco, Teruyuki Shinbo, Antox B. Mendoza, Evelyn Ame, Helen Grace P. Bangi, Victor, Soliman, Glycinea M. de Peralta, Ritchie A. Rivera, Aeron D. Mayor, Emma L. Ballad, Aeron D. Mayor

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 14-1, 97-98.




Lower social skills, mental discomfort, and physical discomfort associated with worse sleep quality may impair self-estimation of soccer performance in university soccer club athletes. 13-2, 77-85.
Kawada Takahiro, Takeuchi Hitomi, Nakade Miyo, Tsuji Fujiko, Tamai Akira, Mizuno Hiroyuki, Harada Tetsuo


ザトウムシの形態的特徴と脚の自切. 13-2, 86-93.
中尾 栞奈,加藤 元海

河床の石の大きさと底生生物の量および多様性の関係. 13-2, 94-100.





Research Paper

Importance of naturally occurring insect larvae and gutweed as complementary food for white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture. 13-1, 1-8.
Muangyao Pensri, Fukami Kimio, Predalumpaburt Youngyut, Songsangjinda Putth

Evaluation of naturally occurring foods in aquaculture ponds as protein source and for partial eplacement of pellets for white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. 13-1, 9-17.
Muangyao Pensri, Fukami Kimio, Predalumpaburt Youngyut, Songsangjinda Putth

Research Note

Two new records of Bopyridae (Crustacea : Isopoda) infesting brachyuran crabs from Japan. 13-1, 18-22.
Corral Jonel M., Henmi Yumi, Itani Gyo


Preliminary investigation on the collection and trading system of crablets (Scylla spp.) in Cagayan Province, Philippines. 13-1, 23-30.
Ballad Emma L., Banarez Bernard S.

Symposium Proceedings

Experiences on coral transplantation and rehabilitation. 13-1, 31-35.
Mendoza Antonino B., Soliman Jr. Victor S., Buella Sherwin B., Cabiles Christian C.

Fisheries extension system in the Philippines : historical glimpse on BFAR-Regional Fisheries Training Center in Aparri, Cagayan and ways forward. 13-1, 36-40.
Ballad Emma L., Morales Milagros C.

Estimating the recreational value of the Philippines' Malabungot Protected Landscape and Seascape using tourists' individual travel cost : a revealed preference valuation approach. 13-1, 41-48.
Balagtas Charlie V., Bradecina Raul G.

Status of coral reef on Malabungot Protected Landscape and Seascape. 13-1, 49-52.
Dioneda Jr. Ronnel A.,Dioneda Sr. Ronnel R.

Socio-economic status and livelihood prospects of solo parents in Catanduanes, Philippines. 13-1, 53-61.
Lopez Glenn Paul R., San Juan Esperanza P.

Fish assemblages in the coastal waters of Malabungot Protected Landscape and Seascape. 13-1, 62-66.
Balasta Joel B., Umbao Noel P.

Symposium Program

The 12th International Kuroshio Sciences Symposium andSouth China Sea Marine Stations Conference. 13-1, 67-70.

Summary Reports

Summary Report of the Symposium by Graduate Students. 13-1, 71-74.

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 13-1, 75-76.




FIT制度がもたらす木材市場の混乱と対策. 12-2, 118-130.
福田 雄治,飯國 芳明

河川源流域における流程に伴う河川環境と底生動物群集の変化. 12-2, 131-140.
井上 光也,宮地 萌,加藤 元海


土佐湾のホエールウォッチングにおける鯨類の出現確率の季節変化と出現場所の特徴. 12-2, 141-147.
古市 知,加藤 元海

タヌキ脂の民間薬としての利用状況と作り方. 12-2, 148-155.
香西 佳奈,谷地森 秀二,加藤 元海

高知県におけるアカウミガメの産卵海岸選択に影響する環境要因. 12-2, 156-173.
小林 陽介,藤本 竜平,小坂 將,三宅 香成,田中 幸記,斉藤 知己

高知県および北海道産タヌキにおける外部寄生虫と内部寄生虫. 12-2, 174-182.
池永 芽衣,熊沢 秀雄,谷地森 秀二,加藤 元海





Future Perspectives on the Cross-border Networkfor Research and Education in Kuroshio Science. 12-1, 1.
Hiroshi Wakiguchi

Opening Remarks

Introduction of the International ExchangeInitiative by Kochi University. 12-1, 2-3.
Katutoshi Sakurai

Introduction of Participants and SymposiumOverview. 12-1, 4.
Sota Tanaka


Greetings from Bicol University, 11th InternationalKuroshio Science Symposium, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan. 12-1, 5.
Victor S. Soliman

Opening message for 11thInternational KuroshioScience Symposium. 12-1, 5-6.
Milagros C. Morales

Message. 12-1, 6.
Ching-Nen Nathan Chen

Closing Remarks

11th International Kuroshio Science Symposiumat Kochi University: Synthesis and Manifesto. 12-1, 7.
Teruyuki Shinbo

Keynote Lectures

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Sustainable Fisheries. 12-1, 8-12.
Hiroyuki Matsuda, Darien D. Mizuta, Eirini I. Vlachopoulou and Mitsutaku Makino

Education on ICOM (Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management) for Undergraduate Students:Background, Needs, and Prospects. 12-1, 13-15.
Kimio Fukami

Symposium Proceedings

Status, Challenges and Directions of Rural Fishery in the Philippines:With Focus on Key Riverine and Coastal Fisheries. 12-1, 16-26.
Raul G. Bradecina

Morphometry, Embryonic Development and Fecundity of Freshwater Shrimp Caridina gracilirostris De Man, 1892 from Laguna de Bay, Laguna, Philippines. 12-1, 27-31.

Language Variations and Understanding Key Resource Management Concepts in Selected Marine Protected Area (MPA) Communities in Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. 12-1, 32-41.
Josenia M. Penino and Raul G. Bradecina

Biological Aspects of Berried Coconut Crab (Birgus latro, Linnaeus, 1767) from the Islands of Batanes Province, Philippines. 12-1, 42-48.
Cheyserr A. Perucho, Melanie A. Calicdan-Villarao, Angel B. Encarnacion, and Milagros C. Morales

Correlation between desire for permanent employment and frequency of participation in training lectures on nursery school education in non-permanent Japanese nursery school teachers. 12-1, 49-52.
Misako Kawamata and Tetsuo Harada

Political ecology and social representations on inland fisheries and aquaculture in Catanduanes Island, Philippines. 12-1, 53-62.
Jimmy T. Masagca, Minerva I. Morales, Aurora E. Araojo

Stakeholder management in marine protected areas of Catanduanes Island, Philippines. 12-1, 63-71.
Jimmy T. Masagca

Analyzing livelihoods, capabilities and shocks in a marine protected area (MPA) of Catanduanes Island, Luzon. 12-1, 72-78.
Ma. Luz A. Floralde, Jimmy T. Masagca, Meda B. Mercado

Host Spatial Partitioning and Microhabitat Occurrence of Symbiotic Shrimp Periclimenes brevicarpalis. 12-1, 79-83.
Kristian Q. Aldea

The sea cucumber fishery in Palawan, Philippines. 12-1, 84-88.
Jean Beth S. Jontila, Harold M. Monteclaro, Gerald F. Quinitio, Sheila Mae Santander-de Leon and Jon P. Altamirano

Research Paper

Characterization of photosynthesis and growth of Monostroma latissimum (Ulvophyceae) collected from the intertidal area in Kochi, Japan. 12-1, 89-99.
Jayvee Ablana Saco, Satoko Sekida, and Ichiro Mine

Symposium Summary

Summary of Report of the 11th International Kuroshio Science Symposium: Future Perspective on Cross-border Network for Research and Education of "Kuroshio Science": Developing Kuroshio University League Network. 12-1, 100-106.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Cross-Border Education Summary

Plastic pollution of ocean and coastal areas: situation and solution trends inJapan, Philippines and Taiwan. 12-1, 107.
Dana Ulanova

Symposium Program

Future Perspective on Cross-border Network for Research and Education of“Kuroshio Science”:Developing Kuroshio University League Network. 12-1, 108-116.

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 12-1, 116-117.




Cytotoxicity of murine eosinophil major basic proteins: the functional analysis of the toxicity by expressing recombinant proteins in both bacterial and mammalian cells. 11-2, 107-116.
Tominaga Mari, Tsuru Shinobu, Yagyu Ken-Ichi, Tomiaga Akira

耕作放棄地におけるヤギの除草面積の推定. 11-2, 117-127.
柿 真理,加藤 元海


高知県下の砂浜海岸におけるスナガニ類 (スナガニ属、スナガニ亜科、スナガニ科、 短尾亜目)の出現. 11-2, 128-139.
髙木 真成,藤本 竜平,早稲田 沙織,斉藤 知己

防潮堤の改修がアカウミガメ卵を捕食する 動物に与える影響. 11-2, 140-145.
早稲田 沙織,斉藤 知己,谷地森 秀二,加藤 元海

フラミンゴにおける休息姿勢の左右性. 11-2, 146-151.
入山 栞,加藤 元海

アカウミガメ孵化幼体の遊泳活性の経時変化. 11-2, 152-162.
. 藤本 竜平,和田 真央子,小林 翔平,熊澤 佳範,斉藤 知己

高知県大豊町におけるニホンザルの分布変化と農業被害の状況. 11-2, 163-169.
中城 海咲,加藤 元海





Foreword. 11-1, 1.
Arnulfo M. Mascarinas

Opening Remarks&Messages

Opening Remarks&Messages. 11-1, 1-2.
Raul G. Bradecina

Opening Remarks&Messages. 11-1, 2.
Maria Asuncion V. Oronan

Keynote Addresses

Keynote Addresses. 11-1, 2-3.
Milagros C. Morales

Keynote Addresses. 11-1, 3.

Keynote Addresses. 11-1, 3-4.
Teruyuki Shinbo

Symposium Proceedings

Opening Remarks & Messages & Keynote Addresses. 11-1, 1-4.

Marine protected areas and integrated management of coastal and ocean resources. 11-1, 5-7.
Hiroyuki Matsuda, Darien D. Mizuta, Eirini I. Vlachopoulou, Mitsutaku Makino

On-farm trials of phytoandrogen for sex inversion of tilapia. 11-1, 8-13.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Evaluation of lying-in hatchery concept as resource enhancement strategy for swimming crab. 11-1, 14-20.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Diversity, species composition, and richness of marine fish fauna in Isabela Waters, Philippines. 11-1, 21-30.
Angel B. Encarnacion, Melanie A. Calicdan-Villarao, Milagros C. Morales

Impact of MPA management variations on fishing income and movement in poverty among fishing households in Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. 11-1, 31-42.
Raul G. Bradecina

Socioeconomic assessment of small-scale fisheries of Naro Island, Masbate: with focus on the scallop fishery. 11-1, 43-49.
Raul G. Bradecina, Victor S. Soliman

Coral reef assessment in selected marine protected areas in Albay, Philippines. 11-1, 50-53.
Christian D. Cabiles, Antonino B. Mendoza Jr., Ronnel R. Dioneda Sr., Victor S. Soliman

Density distribution of blue crab (Portunus pelagicus) larvae with implications to the lying-in concept of stock enhancement. 11-1, 54-62.
Aldrin Mel B. Macale, Simon G. Alcantara, Plutomeo M. Nieves

Biology and population dynamics of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) and frigate tuna (Auxis thazard) in Babuyan Channel, Philippines. 11-1, 63-72.
Melanie A. Calicdan-Villarao, Angel B. Encarnacion, Evelyn C. Ame, Milagros C. Morales

Proceedings Mini Review

Recent progress of molecular cytogenetic study on scleractinian (stony) corals. 11-1, 73-81.
Takahiro Taguchi, Erika Tagami, Takuma Mezaki, Satoko Sekida, Yalan Chou, Keryea Soong, Kazuo Okuda, Akira Tominaga, Satoshi Kubota

Outline of the 10th International Kuroshio Science Symposium

“Addressing Coastal Resources Conservation and Food Security through Science-Based Solutions and Innovations” (November 24-26, 2016). 11-1, 82-84.
Paatio De Sa ose, Mallipot, Albay, Philippines

SymposiumProgram. 11-1, 85-89.

Cross-Border Education Session

Integrated Management of Coastal Resources by Marine Protected Areas. 11-1, 89-90.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Impression of the 10th International Kuroshio Science Symposium

Reports of Participants. 11-1, 90-94.

Impression of the 10th International Kuroshio Science Symposium. 11-1, 95-96.

Research Paper

Effects of water temperature, dissolved oxygen and body mass on the metabolic scope of larvae and juveniles of the nigorobuna carp, Carassius auratus randoculis. 11-1, 97-104.
Hiroki Yamanaka, Motomi Genkai-Kato, Yukihiro Kohmatsu

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 105-106.




四国におけるニホンカワウソの生息状況の変遷および海岸線と人口との関連. 10-2, 128-135.

高知県仁淀川河口浜(新居?仁ノ海岸)におけるアカウミガメの産卵生態および産卵場所の砂の粒径について. 10-2, 136-147.

四国沿岸の干潟における底生生物の多様性. 10-2, 148-154.
三浦誠矢?森 小菊?福田達哉?伊谷 行?中井静子?三浦 収

河川の底生無脊椎動物群集における体長範囲に着目した個体数及び生物量. 10-2, 156-165.
宮地 萌?井上光也?加藤元海


高知県中土佐町におけるニホンザルの植生選択. 10-2, 166-174.

教員養成課程における臨海実習 ―発生学?生理学教材編―. 10-2, 176-183.
原田哲夫?邉見由美?藤田大輝?中城 満?伊谷 行

高知県内の河川におけるプラナリアの生息環境. 10-2, 184-189.
宇都宮稜?井上光也?宮地 萌?加藤元海



Foreword & Messages

Message from Organizer. 10-1, 1.
Ching-Nen Nathan Chen

Message to Kuroshio Science. 10-1, 1-2.
Te-Hao Chen

Opening Remarks & Messages to Kuroshio Science

Greetings from tropical Kao-Hsiung. 10-1, 3.
Chau-Chang Wang

Message to Kuroshio Science. 10-1, 3.
Akira Tominaga

Message to Kuroshio Science. 10-1, 4.
Plutomeo Nieves

Towards Ensuring Sustainability of Marine Resouces in The Kuroshio Region. 10-1, 4-5.
Milagros Morales

Message to the Kuroshio Science Consortium. 10-1, 5.
Wilfredo Campos

Keynote Reviews & Reports

Municipal Marine Fisheries Assessment of Batanes Island, Philippines (2009-2013) . 10-1, 7-22.
Milagros C. Morales, Angel B. Encarnacion, Melanie A. Calicdan

Dongsha Atoll Research Station?A Steady Research Platform in South China Sea. 10-1, 23-27.
Yalan Chou

Community ? Local Government and Academic Partnership in Coral Restoration: Does It Work? . 10-1, 29-32.
A.B. Mendoza, Jr., V.S. Soliman, P.M. Nieves, and F. M. Lim

Proceedings Mini Review

CCL1 and IL-1 Induce Damaged Human Colon Epithelial Cells to Produce IL-22 for Autonomous Cure. 10-1, 33-39.
Akira Tominaga, Yuko Konishi, Takahiro Taguchi

Research Papers

Life History and Abundance of the Minute Triplefin, Enneapterygius minutus (Blennioidei, Tripterygiidae), from a Seagrass Tide Pool on Green Island, Taiwan. 10-1, 41-48.
Shao-I Wang, Tsen-Chien Chen, Hin-Kiu Mok

Inhibitory Effects of Bangladeshi Medicinal Plant Leaf Extracts on α-glucosidase Activity. 10-1, 49-57.
Mst Tamanna Niger, Kazhuhiro, Ohtani, Bhuiyan Feroze Ahamed

Regulatory Effects of Five Medicinal Plants used by Dayak Uud Danum in West Kalimantan Indonesia on the Delayed-type Hypersensitivity and the Inflammation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells. 10-1, 59-71.
Yeni Mariani, Fathul Yusro, Yuko Konishi, Takahiro Taguchi, Akira Tominaga

Effects of Medicinal Plants in West Kalimantan Indonesia to Prevent the Damage of Human Colon Epithelial FPCK-1-1 Cells and Regulate the Levels of Blood Glucose and Triacylglycerol of db/db mice. 10-1, 73-88.
Fathul Yusro, Yeni Mariani, Yuko Konishi, Takahiro Taguchi, Mari Tominaga, Satoshi Kubota, Akira Tominaga

Research Report

Climate Change Information and Adaptation In Kuroshio Region’s Vulnerable island. 10-1, 89-103.
Kristian Q. Aldea, Jimmy T. Masagca

Introduction of Taiwanese Literature

See the World through the Compound Eyes. 10-1, 105-106.
Wang Yun-Pin

Cross-Border Education Students’ views on Marine Protected Areas

Introduction. 10-1, 107.
Akira Tominaga

Understanding the Social Intricacies of Marine Protected Areas: An Approach to Sustainable Coastal Resource Management along the Kuroshio Region. 10-1, 108-109.
Emma Legaspi Ballad

Marine Protected Area Establishment: Part of the Solution toward Sustainable Development along Kuroshio Region. 10-1, 109-110.
Renan Ugto Bobiles

Insights of MPAs in Bicol Region, Philippines: Strengthening Community Management for Resource Sustainability. 10-1, 110-111.
Alex Pulvinar Camaya

Man and His Pursuits of Subsistence and Sustainability: An Anthropological Perspective. 10-1, 111-112.
Joshua Rovie L. Daclan

Understanding the Coastal Natural Environment. 10-1, 112-113.
Yumi Henmi

The Role of Habitat Heterogeneity on MPA Design. 10-1, 113-114.
Allyn Duvin S. Pantallano

Seaweed Ecosystem Integration to Marine Protected Areas. 10-1, 114.
Jayvee Ablaña Saco

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 10-1, 126-127.

The 9th International Kuroshio Science Symposium. 10-1, -.




A Project on the Restoration of Damaged Peat Swamp Forest at Biosphere Reserve, Riau Province through Community Empowerment.. 9-2, 88-94.
Wahyu Dwianto, Sukma Surya Kusumah, Fitria, Yohanes Purwanto, Haris Gunawan

Evaluation of Materials on the Curriculum Theme “How can water striders float and stride on the water surface?" as an Effective Experimental Teaching Material in Compulsory Schools. 9-2, 96-106.
Mitsuru Nakajyo, Toshiki Tamura, Shinya Maihara, Kazuo Miyoshi, Fumiko Kojima, Mika Yokota, Tetsuo Harada

Inhibition of α-Glucosidase by Methanol Extracts from Wood Bark of Anacardiaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae and Phyllanthaceae Plants Family in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. 9-2, 108-122.
FathulYusro, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Satoshi Kubota

夏季の仁淀川と四万十川の上流域における底生動物群集の体長,個体数, 生物量の関係. 9-2, 124-136.


Are Several Village-based Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Necessary for Conserving CoastalResources in a Municipality? A Case of Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines. 9-2, 138-149.
Emma L. Ballad, Teruyuki Shinbo

18歳以上の日本人に対する体脂肪率の推定式. 9-2, 150-155.

耕作放棄地の植物に対するヤギの採食嗜好性. 9-2, 156-163.

高知県東洋町の生見海岸におけるアカウミガメ卵のキツネによる食害とその対策. 9-2, 164-173.

高知県いの町中ノ川川における渓畔林回復の可能性. 9-2, 174-182.

高知県安芸郡奈半利町沖の離岸堤でみられる魚類と有藻性イシサンゴ類. 9-2, 184-193.

防鹿柵によって保護された林床植生の回復過程. 9-2, 194-200.


高知県における集落活動センター分析のための基礎的作業. 9-2, 202-210.
西川知宏?坂本華緒理? 玉里恵美子?大崎優? 飯國芳明


第9回国際黒潮圏科学シンポジウムおよび国境を超えた教育による黒潮圏の持続型社会を目指した黒潮圏大学リーグネットワーク形成の取組み. 9-2, 212-220.

2015年さくらサイエンスプラン-学際的海洋科学の最前線に触れる. 9-2, 222-226.

留学生の就職先ならびに新規留学生確保を目的としたフィリピン大学ビサヤ校およびディリマン校への訪問. 9-2, 228-230.







Cross-Border Education and Sustainable Society. 9-1, 1.
Hiroshi Wakiguchi (President of Kochi University)

Opening Remarks

Hirokuni Taguchi, Houng-Yung Chen, Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Akihiro Takemura, Milagros C. Morales, Yoshiaki Iiguni. 9-1, 2-5.


Academic Linkages Through the Kuroshio Current. 9-1, 6.
Rhodora V. Azanza

Keynote Reports

Cross-Border Education in Kuroshio Region. 9-1, 7-12.
Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, Maureen Mamansag-Maceres

Proceedings Special Reports

Reproductive Biology of Christian crabs (Charybdis feriatus, Linnaeus, 1758) in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. 9-1, 13-16.
Plutomeo M. Nieves, Nelson R. Olfindo, Aldrin Mel Macale

Stargazers (Uranoscopidae) have exceptionally more bile. 9-1, 17-26.
Hsu Jung-chen, Hin-Kiu Mok

Cross-Border Education. 9-1, 27-29.
Sonia Yiching Huang

Proceedings Mini Review

Environmental Control of Annual Reproductive Cycle and Spawning Rhythmicity of Spinefoots Archipelago, Indonesia. 9-1, 31-38.
Akihiro Takmerura, Yuki Takeuchi, Taro Ikegami, Sung-Pyo Hur, Victor Soliman, Felix Ayson, Evelyn de Jesus-Ayson, Endang Sri Susilo

The Beauty and Sorrow of a Tropical Paradise: Anthropogenic Pollution in Coastal Water of Kenting National Park, Taiwan. 9-1, 39-44.
Te-Hao Chen

Biodiversity in the Kuroshio Region: Challenges and Trends in the Upstream. 9-1, 45-46.
Kristian Q. Aldea, Minerva I. Morales, Aurora E. Arajo, Jimmy T. Masagca

Suppression of eosinophilia by Petalonia binghamiae polysaccharides may relate to their eotaxin-binding ability. 9-1, 57-64.
Akira Tominaga. Yuko Konishi, Takahiro Taguchi

Research Paper

Sonic-muscle proteomics of ophidiid, glaucosomatid, pempherid and terapontid reveals the physiological and phylogenetic constrains to the sound producing structures. 9-1, 65-79.
Titisari Dian Pertiwi, Wen-Yao Tzeng, Hin-Kiu Mok, Kuo-Hsun Chiu

Summary of the Symposium

Network Formation of the Kuroshio Universities through Cross-Border Education. 9-1, 81-82.
Akira Tominaga

Impression of the Symposium Strengthening Collaboration through Distance Education and Research Extension. 9-1, 83-85.
Alex Pulvinar Camaya

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors. 9-1, 86-87.




仁淀川源流域における河川環境と底生動物. 8-2, 118-125.
井上光也?小原直子 加藤元海

四国におけるイシヅチサンショウウオの生息環境と生息適地の予測. 8-2, 126-135.
渡邉礼雄?井上光也 比嘉基紀?加藤元海

土佐湾のコリケウス科カイアシ類の群集構造と季節変化. 8-2, 136-147.

Potential Suitabilty of Coenocytic Green Algae as an Indicator of the Coastal Environment in the Kuroshio Region.. 8-2, 148-159.
Ichiro Mine, Angel B. Encarnacion, Aki Kato, Masahiro Suzuki, Ping-Yi Huang, Kazuo Okuda, Satoko Sekida, Yoshinori Morooka


ヤギの体重変化と排泄量を基にした採草量の推定. 8-2, 160-671.

電場で冷凍されたドロメの解凍後の組織細胞の電子顕微鏡観察. 8-2, 168-174.


堀 美菜


1. はじめに
富永 明
2. ポスター
3. まえがき
4. プログラム
5. 要約




President of Tanjungpura University Thamrin Usman, DEA

Opening Remarks

Akira Tominaga, Hin-Kiu Mok, Plutomeo Nieves

Keynote Reports

The Impacts of the Alteration in Agriculture on the Environment and Ecosystem in Sarawak, Malaysia. 8-1, 7-14.
Sota Tanaka, Mohd Effendi bin Wasli, Joseph Jawa Kendawang, Katsutoshi Sakurai

Recent Progress in Bioacoustic Research in Taiwan. 8-1, 15-16.
Hin-Kiu Mok

Turning the Tide towards Enhanced Ecosystem Management and Conservation in the Kuroshio Region: the Philippine Perspectives. 8-1, 17-23.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Proceedings Special Reports

Rapid Screening for Cytotoxicity and Group Identification of Secondary Metabolites in Methanol Extract from Four Sponge Species Found in Kapoposang Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. 8-1, 25-31.
Ajuk Sapar, Alfian Noor, Nunuk Hariani Soekamto, Ahyar Ahmad

Inventory of Medicinal Plants for Fever Used by Four Dayak Sub Ethnic in West Kalimantan Province Indonesia. 8-1, 33-38.
Fathul Yusro, Yeni Mariani, Farah Diba, Kazuhiro Ohtani

The Status of Tenualosa toli (Valenciennes, 1847) in the South-west Coast of Sarawak, Malaysia. 8-1, 39-44.
Khairul Adha A. Rahim, Mohamad Hambali Tumiran, Shabdin Mohd. Long, Yuzine Esa, Awang Ahmad Sallehin Awang Husaini

Preliminary Assessment on the Growth Performance of Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer Planted under Enrichment Planting Technique at Gunung Apeng Forest Reserve, Sarawak, Malaysia. 8-1, 45-52.
Mohd Effendi Wasli, Hamsawi Sani, Ho Soo Ying, Mugunthan Perumal, Zatil Aisyah Zainudin, Jonathan Lat, Lee Pick Sean

Fish Fauna and Fisheries in the Coastal Waters of Similajau, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. 8-1, 53-57.
Lee Nyanti, Jongkar Grinang, James Bali, Norhadi Ismail

Risk of Acquiring Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Water and Shrimp from an Aquaculture Farm. 8-1, 59-62.
Chai Fung Pui, Lesley Maurice Bilung, Nur Bainun Mohd Zin, Nurulhuda Najihah Binti Zainal Abidin, Micky Vincent, Kasing Apun

Species Composition and Stand Structure of an Exploited Mangrove Forest. 8-1, 63-67.
Ismail Jusoh, Muhammad Anuar Aziz

Summaries of Sessions

Management of Forest Fire, Palm Oil Plantation, and Peat Soil. 8-1, 69-70-.
Augustine Lumangkun, A. B. Tandililing, Ari Krisno Hadi, Maswadi, Novira Kusrini, Gusti Zakaria Anshari, M. Afifudin, E. Gusmayanti

Human Health and Biodiversity of Natural Resources in Kuroshio Region. 8-1, 71-72.
Chiu-Chin Lu, Hin-Kiu Mok, Hurng-Wern Huang, Chao-Neng Tseng, Awang Ahmad Sallehin Awang Husaini, Soo Hui Yin, Ngieng Ngui Sing, Azham Zulkharnain, Hairul Azman Roslan, Lesley Maurice Bilung, Velnetti Linang, Micky Vincent, Kasing Apun, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah, Farah Diba, Ferry Hadary, Seno Darmawan Panjaitan, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Madinah, A., Mariana, A., M.T. Abdullah

Review Articles

Sarawak Coastal Biodiversity: A Current Status. 8-1, 73-86.
Shabdin Mohd. Long

Economic Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Options in Selected Coastal Areas of Cagayan, the Philippines. 8-1, 87-99.
Evelyn C. Ame, Rowena Guzman, Jezreel Pataguan, Urdujah A. Tejada

Proceedings Mini Review

Spirulina Complex Polysaccharides Suppress the Growth of Glioma in T Lymphocyte- and Macrophage-dependent Manner. 8-1, 101-108-.
Akira Tominaga, Yu Kawanishi, Takahiro Taguchi, Toshio Yawata, Hiromi Okuyama, Yutaka Kusumoto, Shiro Ono, Keiji Shimizu

Parasitic Crustaceans and Marine Invasions: Two Case Studies from Kuroshio Region. 8-1, 109-112.
Gyo Itani, Chiharu Yamada, Hodaka Asama, Yumi Henmi, Hiroshi Kume, John W. Chapman

Impression of the Symposium

The 7th International Symposium on Kuroshio Science
Charles P.H. Simanjuntak




Fish Diversity and Fishery Status in the Ba Che and Tien Yen Rivers, northern Vietnam, with Consideration on Factors Causing Recent Decline of Fishery Products. 7-2, 113-122.
Tran Duc Hau, Ta Thi Thu

四万十川上流域における河川環境と底生生物. 7-2, 123-131.


私の海藻食論~ My Sea-vegetarianism. 7-2, 133-174.


黒潮圏シンポジウム 「黒潮圏科学-10年の歩みと明日への課題-」. 7-2, 175-194.
1. はじめに
2. シンポジウム「黒潮圏科学-10年の歩みと明日への課題-」趣意書
3. シンポジウムの構成
4. 188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】学長挨拶
 脇口 宏
5. 講演1:地域研究の学際?国際研究的アプローチ~新たな地平の創造~
6. 講演2:持続可能社会への知識コミュニティの新たな役目~地球温暖化問題からの展望
7. 討論の概要とまとめ




Hiroshi Wakiguchi

Opening Remarks

Fay Lea Patria, M. Lauraya Houng-Yung Chen, Yoshiaki Iiguni

Summary Report of the 6th International Kuroshio Conference

Plutomeo Nieves, Kazuo Okuda, Akira Tominaga and Yoshinori Morooka

Keynote Reports

Anti-diabetic Effects of Algae with a Sustainable Society in View: In Focus on Regulatory T Cells and the Flora of Intestinal Bacteria. 7-1, 17-29.
Akira Tominaga, Masanori Hiraoka, Ryosaku Kinoshita and Takahiro Taguchi

Managing at the ‘Root’ of Kuroshio. 7-1, 31-39.
Victor S. Soliman


Status of Elvers Fisheries in Cagayan Province, Luzon, Philippines. 7-1, 41-48.
Evelyn C. Ame, Jovita P. Ayson and Reynaldo B. Ame

Community Structure of Macroalgae of Lagonoy Gulf, Bicol Region, Philippines. 7-1, 49-57.
Antonino B. Mendoza, Jr. and Victor S. Soliman

Research Notes

Capture Fisheries Assessment of Commercially Important Marine Crabs in Sorsogon Bay and San Miguel Bay. 7-1, 59-67.
Plutomeo M. Nieves, Skorzeny de Jesus, Maria Aurea B. Guiriba, Aldrin Mel B. Macale, Shiela Belen and Gemma Corral

Outlook for SMI and Implementation of MPA's. 7-1, 69-74.
Plutomeo M. Nieves

Inventory and Biodiversity of Medicinal Plants from Tropical Rain Forest Based on Traditional Knowledge by Ethnic Dayaknese Communities in West Kalimantan Indonesia. 7-1, 75-80.
Farah Diba, Fathul Yusro, Yeni Mariani and Kazuhiro Ohtani

The Influence of Alien Fish Species on Native Fish Community Structure in Malaysian Waters. 7-1, 81-93.
Khairul Adha A. Rahim, Yuzine Esa and Aziz Arshad

Exploring Local Coastal Recreational Tourism as a Potential Strategy to Support Changing Agriculture in the Typhoon-Prone Small Island of San Miguel, Tabaco, Albay, Bicol Region. 7-1, 95-102.
Raul G. Bradecina, Teruyuki Shinbo and Plutomeo M. Nieves

Study Report

Sequence-based Phylogeography of Seaweeds: How Current Distribution is Shaped by Accumulation of Past?. 7-1, 103-106.
Felix Bast

Letter from GSKS Alumni

Life in Japan and Canada
Saharia Kanak

Importance of Kuroshio-related Joint Studies via a Cross-Sectorial Approach
Shashank Keshavmurthy

A Step Towards Interdisciplinary Education in Environmental Studies
Mohd. Effendi bin Wasli




藻類の抗アレルギー、抗糖尿病、抗腫瘍作用:−持続型社会を目指して−. 6-2, 166-173.
富永 明?平岡雅規?田口尚弘

中世日本の西の境界領域と黒潮トライアングル研究-鹿児島県三島村硫黄島の調査を踏まえて-. 6-2, 174-187.

モンスーン?アジアにおける土地所有権問題の展望. 6-2, 188-193.


高知県横浪林海実験所前の海底環境と魚類群集. 6-2, 194-206.
木村 翼?阿部航太郎?松本卓也?中村洋平


鏡川上流域における河川環境と底生生物. 6-2, 208-216.

高知県新荘川においてニホンカワウソの存続に影響を与えた要因. 6-2, 218-228.

土佐湾のホエールウォッチングにおける鯨類の出現頻度と気象海洋条件との関係. 6-2, 230-236.


高知県におけるアナジャコUpogebiamajorの新記録. 6-2, 238-242.
佐藤あゆみ?森永純一?邉見由美?伊谷 行

造礁性イシサンゴ染色体研究. 6-2, 244-248.




Hin-Kiu Mok

Opening Remarks

Houng-Yung Chen, Kazuo Okuda, Ninfa Pelea

Summary Report of the 5th Joint Kuroshio Symposium (Session I, III, IV, V, VI)

Adaptation to Climate and Socio-economic Changes. 6-1, 6-16.
Hin-Kiu Mok, Keryea Soong, Shui-Kai Chang, Akira Tominaga, Tse-Min Lee and Jeng-Di Lee

Special Summary Report (Session II)

Effects of Climate Change on Marine, Land and Mountainous Areas in Kuroshio-Related Countries. 6-1, 17-23.
Yoshinori Morooka, Chaolun Allen Chen, Reika Abe

Special Report

Houbihu MPA, the First One Beyond the Paper, in Taiwan. 6-1, 25-26.
Keryea Soong

Keynote Reports

Turbulent Mixing of the Kuroshio Waters Southeast Taiwan. 6-1, 27-34.
Ruo-Shan Tseng, Huang-Jie Shao, Yu-China Chang, and Luca Centurioni

Socio-economic, Ecological and Institutional Impacts of Super Typhoon Reming on a Community - based Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Malinao, Albay, Philippines. 6-1, 35-57.
Raul G. Bradecina, Plutomeo M. Nieves, Ma. Josefa Pelea, Teruyuki Shinbo and Yoshinori Morooka

Current Status of the Marine Ecosystem and their Vulnerability under the Climate Changes Impacts in the Catba World Biosphere Reserve. 6-1, 59-66.
Nguyen Van Quan


Perceptions of Local Residents of the Value of Marine Resources and Protected Areas: The Case of San Miguel Island, Bicol. 6-1, 67-74.
Cheryll C. Launio, Teruyuki Shinbo, Plutomeo M. Nieves and Yoshinori Morooka

Dolphinfish Fisheries in Batanes: Coping with Climate Change through Mataw Fishing Tradition. 6-1, 75-81.
Evelyn C. Ame, Maureen A. Aragon Jovita P. Ayson and Reynaldo B. Ame

Review Articles

Distribution of Fiddler Crabs in East Asia, with a Note on the Effect of the Kuroshio Current. 6-1, 83-89.
Hsi-Te Shih

Uncontrolled Propagation of a Transplanted Aquaculture Catfish in Cuba and its utilization for Human Food. 6-1, 91-99.
Satoshi Kubota, Yu Yamamoto, Andres M. Hurtado Consuegra, Bunji Yoshitomi, Yohei Nakamura, Mina Hori, Kazuhiro Otani, Kosaku Yamaoka and Masayuki Mac Takahashi

Novel Renewable Natural Resource of Deep Ocean Water (DOW) and their Current and Future Practical Applications. 6-1, 101-113.
Masayuki Mac Takahashi and Ping-Yi Huang

Ulva as a Model for the Study of Environmental Stress in Intertidal Macroalagae. 6-1, 115-119.
Tse-Min Lee, Tsure-Meng Wu, Ming-Shiuan Sung, Yi-Ting Hsu and Kuan-Lin Ho

Coastal Conficts and Natural Resoures Management is Ponaso no Tao-An Institutional Aspect. 6-1, 121-128.
Jeng-Di Lee and Victoriya Venediktova et al.

Research Notes

Marine Macro-algal Flora of Orchid Island, Taiwan. 6-1, 129-144.
Showe-Mei Lin

Establishment of a New Culture Model of Intestinal Inflammation: Autonomous Cure of Damaged Human Colon Epithelial FPCK-1-1 Cells. 6-1, 145-154.
Akira Tominaga, Yuko Konishi and Tkahiro Tabushi

Impression of the Symposium

Tran Duc Han and Victoriya Venediktova




Nutrient, phytoplankton and harmful algal blooms in the shrimp culture ponds in Thailand(タイ国のエビ養殖池における栄養塩と植物プランクトンの変動および有害プランクトンの増殖). 5-2, 129-136.
Teeyaporn Keawtawee, Kimio Fukami, Putth Songsangjinda,and Pensri Muangyao(Teeyaporn Keawtawee?深見公雄?Putth Songsangjinda?Pensri Muangyao)

Fisheries on Mesopodopsis (Mysida: Mysidae) and Acetes (Decapoda: Sergestidae) in Indonesia(インドネシアにおけるMesopodopsis属アミ類とアキアミ類の漁業の実態について). 5-2, 137-146.
Rose O. S. E. Mantiri, Susumu Ohtsuka and Shozo Sawamoto(Rose O.S.E. Mantiri?大塚 攻?澤本彰三)

耕作放棄地における生後1年未満のヤギの放牧と除草効果. 5-2, 147-154.
卯城 光?加藤元海

野外用自動販売機に集まる爬虫両生類と昆虫類. 5-2, 155-159.

ヒトにおける体重と体組成の変動パターンおよび体脂肪率に変化を与える要因. 5-2, 161-167.
岡 拓矢?加藤元海


東日本大震災時の気象−主として仙台平野の場合. 5-2, 169-174.
千葉 修?小林文明?金田昌樹



キューバ?サパタ湿地における移入ヒレナマズClarias gariepinusの生態. 5-2, 175-185.
山本 悠?Andrés M. Hurtado Consuegra?中村洋平?久保田賢?山岡耕作


キューバにおけるヒレナマズClarias gariepinusの食利用に関する検討. 5-2, 187-196.
山本 悠?久保田賢?山岡耕作

サパタ湿地地区における移入ヒレナマズの利用に関する検討. 5-2, 197-209.
久保田賢?吉富文司?Andrés M. Hurtado Consuegra?大谷和弘?中村洋平?堀 美菜?山本 悠?山岡耕作


研究フィールドとしてのキューバ. 5-2, 211-215.






Kazuo Okuda

Opening Remarks

Hiyoshizo Kotsuki Hin-Kiu Mok Jovita P. Ayson

Summary Report on the 4th Joint Kuroshio Symposium

Effects of Recent Societal Changes on the Natural Environment in the Kuroshio-Related S-Shaped Zone. 5-1, 9-16.
Akira Tominaga, Hin-Kiu Mok and Yoshinori Morooka

Keynote Reports

From the Kuroshio Triangle to the Kuroshio- Related S-Shaped Zone: Introductory Remarks for the 4th Symposium. 5-1, 17-21.
Yoshinori Morooka and Akira Tominaga

Effects of Natural and Socio-Economic Changes on Coastal and Upland Ecosystems in San Miguel Island, Albay, Philippines. 5-1, 23-28.
Plutomeo M. Nieves and Raul G. Bradecina

Hagfish Conservation Needed in Taiwan. 5-1, 29-32.
Kuo-Hsun Chiu and Hin-Kiu Mok

Regime Shifts in Response to Human Impacts and Management in Ecosystem. 5-1, 33-37.
Motomi Genkai-Kato


Cytoskeletal and Ultrastructural Studies in Regenerating Cells from the Protoplaste of Valonia (Siphonocladate, Chlorophyseae). 5-1, 39-49.
Paul Rommel Elvira and Kazuo Okuda

Underwater Ambient Biological Noise in the Waters on the West Coast of Taiwan. 5-1, 51-57.
Hin-Kiu Mok, Szu-Ying Lim and Kai-En Tsai

Effects of Edible Algae on Immune Responses: Algae Polysaccharides Regulate Delayed-type Hypersensitivity and Tumor Growth. 5-1, 59-65.
Akira Tominaga, Teruyuki Fujii, Hiromi Okuyama, Takahiro Taguchi, Yutaka Kusumoto and Shiro Ono

Article on Special Topic

Soil and Vegetation Condition of Natural Forests and Secondary Fallow Forests within Batang Ai National Park Boundary, Sarawak, Malaysia. 5-1, 67-76.
Mohd Effendi Wasli, Sota Tanaka, Joseph Jawa Kendawang, Arifin Abdu, Jonathan Lat, Yoshinori Morooka, Shabdin Mohd Long and Katsutoshi Sakurai

Research Notes

Management of the Nypa Managrove as a Mitigating Measure against Resource Over- Utilization in Pamplona, Cagayan. 5-1, 77-85.
Reynaldo B. Ame, Evelyn C. Ame and Jovita P. Ayson

Razor Clam(Solen spp.) Fishery in Sarawak, Malaysia. 5-1, 87-94.
Siti Akmar Khadijah Ab. Rahim

Book Mini-Review

Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Soybean
Paul Rommel Elvira

Collaboration Net News

(1) The International Collaboration Office at BUTC
Maria Corazon P. Rivero

(2) The Fish Health Laboratory at DA-BFAR RO2
Evelyn C. Ame

富永 明?奥田一雄?諸岡慶昇


内島善兵衛著『地球温暖化とその影響 ―生命の星と人類の明日―』
和田 快







Program of the Symposium

Abstracts of the Presentation

List of Participants and Staff Members

Editorial Policy and Instructions for Authors




フィリピン?バタン島における薬用植物と伝承療法~在地の薬草利用によ るセルフメディケーションの現況と展望~. 4-2, 131-151.

土佐湾に加入するトノサマダイ稚魚の浮遊期間. 4-2, 153-158.

汀線付近転石域に出現するマダイ稚魚のなわばりと摂食生態. 4-2, 159-167.

1930年代におけるオオシロピンノによるムラサキイガイの利用 -京都大学 瀬戸臨海実験所所蔵標本から-. 4-2, 169-174.
伊谷 行?山田ちはる?渡部哲也

Preliminary study of food habits in the Japanese clawed salamander larvae (Onychodactylus japonicus) in a mountain brook of the Kiso River system(木曽福島の黒川支流に生息するハコネサンショウウオ幼生Onychodactylus japonicusの食性に関する予備的調査). 4-2, 175-181.
Teruhiko Takahara, Motomi Genkai-Kato, Hitoshi Miyasaka and Yukihiro Kohmatsu(髙原輝彦?加藤元海?宮坂 仁?神松幸弘)






Yoshinori Morooka

Opening Remarks

Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, Shimpei Inoue and Plutomeo M. Nieves

Summary Report on the 3rd Joint Kuroshio Symposium / Record of Discussion

Plutomeo M. Nieves, Kazuo Okuda, Tse-Min Lee and Yoshinori Morooka

Keynote Reports

Six Years of Kuroshio-related Studies among Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines: Special reference to the study achievements of the Kochi Survey Team. 4-1, 18-26.
Yoshinori Morooka and Kazuo Okuda

An Assessment of Macro-Invertebrate Gleaning in Fisheries on the Albay side of Lagonoy Gulf. 4-1, 27-35.
Plutomeo M. Nieves, Skorzeny C. de Jesus, Aldrin Mel B. Macale and Josefa Maria D. Pelea

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Estuarine Soniferous Fishes. 4-1, 37-42.
Hin-Kiu, Mok

Research Notes

Assessment of the Ecological Habitats of Bacon District, Sorsogon City in the Philippines. 4-1, 43-52.
Skorzeny C. de Jesus, Ronnel R. Dioneda, Ida H. Revale, Arnelyn D. Doloiras, Arnel L. Nolial, Angelito Ocampo and Diana S. Alcazar

Porphyra Fisheries in the Northern Philippines: Some environmental issues and the socio-economic impact on the Ilocano Fisherfork. 4-1, 53-58.
Evelyn C. Ame, Jovita P. Ayson, Kazuo Okuda and Rolando Andres

Socio-Economic Conditions, Attitudes and Perceptions on Marine Protected Areas in San Miguel Island, Albay, Philippines. 4-1, 59-64.
Maria Corazon P. Rivero, Plutomeo M. Nieves, Ninfa R. Pelea and Teruyuki Shinbo


The Role of Ocean Environments in the History of the East Asian Seas. 4-1, 65-72.
Hiroshi Yoshio

Research on Strategies for Promoting the "Early to Bed, Early to Rise, and Don't Forget Your Breakfast" Campaign: Applying a breakfast Tryptophan index to dietary education. 4-1, 73-79.
Miyo Nakade, Hitomi Takeuchi and Tetsuo Harada

Article on Special Topic

Migration of Internationally Educated Nurses from Southeast Asia to Japan: Proposals on educational supports to combat brain loss in Japan. 4-1, 81-94.
Masako Itami, Yoshinori Morooka and Kiyoshi Itami


Program of the Symposium
Abstracts of the Presentation
List of Participants and Staff Members








高知県須崎市で夏季(7~9月)にみられた気温変化の特徴-分岐した海風の進入-. 3-2, 124-129.
千葉 修?古味賢一

持続型養殖を目指した閉鎖型飼育設備におけるピラルクーArapaima gigasの飼育. 3-2, 130-136.

高知県浦ノ内湾におけるイガイ科二枚貝類3種の繁殖期. 3-2, 138-143.
山田ちはる?垣尾太朗?栗田浩成?伊谷 行


食品リスクについて -日本における食の安全と選択-. 3-2, 144-148.


The Colours of Kochi 土佐の色. 3-2, 150-152.
Joanna Dorothy Hare


中国科学院上海薬物研究所を訪問して. 3-2, 154-155.
富永 明


富永 明. 3-2, 156-157.




Yoshinori Morooka

Opening Remark

Kazuo Okuda

Summary Report on the 2nd Joint Kuroshio Symposium

Summary Report on the 2nd Joint Kuroshio Symposium - Biodiversity in Kuroshio Waters - . 3-1, 7-14.
Yoshinori Morooka, S. Jegatheesan, Hin-Kiu Mok, Tse-Min Lee, Plutomeo M. Nieves and Kazuo Okuda

Keynote Reports

Taiwan as a Connective Stepping-stone in the Kuroshio Traiangle and the Conservation of Coral Ecosystems under the Impacts of Climate Change. 3-1, 15-22.
Chaolun A. Chen and K. Shashank

Socio-Economic Condi-tions, the Status of Fish-eries and Agriculture and the Adaptive Capacities of Households and Communities in San Mi-guel Island, Albay, Phil-ippines in the Kuroshio Sphere of Influence. 3-1, 23-32.
Plutomeo M. Nieves, Ninfa R. Pelea, Raul G. Bradecina, Myrna A. Pereyra, Yoshinori Morooka, Teruyuki Shinbo and Maria Corazon P. Rivero

Fish Fauna under Coral Communities in Kuroshio Waters around Kashiwajima Island in Kochi, Japan. 3-1, 33-38.
Masaru Kanda

Research notes

Status of Seagrass Eco-systems in the Kuroshio Region: Seagrass decline and challenges for future conservation. 3-1, 39-44.
Yohei Nakamura

Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Pollutants to the Kuroshio Current near Orchid Island, Tai-wan. 3-1, 45-48.
Chon-Lin Lee, Meng-Der Fang, Hu-Ching Huang, Bing-Sian Lin, Hin-Kiu Mok and Wan-Ching Nung

The Decline of Ecklonia cava in Kochi, Japan and the Challenge in Marine Afforestation. 3-1, 49-54.
Hiroko Haraguchi, Kouki Tanaka, Zenji Imoto and Masanori Hiraoka

Preliminary Assessment of the Seagrass Resources in the Northern Philippines. 3-1, 55-61.
Evelyn C. Ame and Jovita P. Ayson


Temporal Dynamics of Rocky-shore Macroalgal Assem-blage Structures in Relatin to Coastal Construction Threats in Orchard Island (Taiwan): Impacts of turbidity and nutrients on the blooms of Galaxaura oblongata and a red alga-sponge symbiose Ceratodictyon/Haliclona. 3-1, 63-80.
Shih-Wei Su, I-Chi Chung and Tse-Min Lee

Student Lobbies

Health Benefits and Cultural Role of Sodabushi in To-sashimizu, Kochi. 3-1, 81-83.
Chika Kihara and Toshitaka Kuramatsu

Essay Contest: Results and Comments

Essays: The Kuroshio and Me
Renan U. Bobiles, Maria C. P. Rivero, Alex P. Camaya, Jonel M. Corral and Vivien G. Borbe


Program of the Symposium
Abstracts of the Presentation
List of Participants and Staff Members

特集: 日本?台湾?フィリピン合同シンポジウム

諸岡慶昇?H. K. モック? P. M. ニエベス?奥田一雄








閉鎖性海域における物質負荷を抑えた持続型の給餌魚類養殖の方向. 2-2, 119-127.
黄 秉益?奥田一雄?高橋正征

A Direction Towards Sustainable Fish Feeding Culture with Least Material Loading in Semi-enclosed Seas. 2-2, 129-138.
Huang Ping-Yi, Okuda Kazuo, Takahashi Masayuki Mac

近年の土佐湾海風の変化-海水温の影響についての考察-. 2-2, 139-144.
千葉 修

Overfishing of Three Siganid Species (Family: Siganidae) in Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. 2-2, 145-150.
Victor S. Soliman, Renan U. Bobiles and Kosaku Yamaoka

Cellular Morphogenesis in Valonia sp.: with Emphasis on the Formation of Lenticular and Rhizoid Cells. 2-2, 151-159.
Alex P. Camaya and Kazuo Okuda

Review Article

The Tin Whistle and the Shakuhachi: a Comparison and Contrast of Two Flutes from the Opposite Ends of Eurasia. 2-2, 161-173.
Daniel B. Ribble


オーロラの神秘. 2-2, 175-178.


気候変動への誤りのない適応のため:自然変動と人類活動の区別. 2-2, 179-182.


富永 明




Yoshinori Morooka

Opening Remarks

Masayuki Takahashi

Summary report on the Joint Kuroshio Workshop

S. Jegatheesan, Yoshinori Morooka and Kazuo Okuda. 2-1, 7-10.

Introductory Note

Framework of the Joint Kuroshio Workshop. 2-1, 11-13.
Yoshinori Morooka

Keynote Address

Coastal environment and seaweed-bed ecology in Japan. 2-1, 15-20.
Kazuo Okuda

Ecological environment in the area along the Kuroshio in Taiwan. 2-1, 21-27.
Hin-Kiu Mok

Recent advances in the management of marine protected areas in the Philippines. 2-1, 29-34.
Wilfredo L. Campos and Porfirio M. Aliño

Country Reports

Biological interactions during the life history of seaweed - A microscopic review - . 2-1, 35-40.
Ichiro Mine

Recent changes in the distribution of Sargassum species in Kochi, Japan. 2-1, 41-46.
Hiroko Haraguchi and Satoko Sekida

Roles of temperature and precipitation on geographic difference of intertidal macroalgal abundance and assemblage structure along Taiwan's Coast. 2-1, 47-58.
Tse-Min Lee and Jing-Ying Wu

Marine resources in areas along the Kuroshio in the Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines. 2-1, 59-66.
Jovita P. Ayson and Angel B. Encarnacion

Seaweed-associated fishes of Lagonoy Gulf in Bicol, the Philippines - with emphasis on Siganids (Teleoptei: Siganidae) - . 2-1, 67-72.
Victor S. Soliman, Antonino B. Mendoza Jr. and Kosaku Yamaoka

Interrelationships among seaweed, fish, hermatypic coral and sea urchin in the Yokonami research site near Kochi city. 2-1, 73-76.
Kosaku Yamaoka

Rethinking the sea as commons - from a case of the "Coral Sea" of Kashiwajima Island, Kochi, Japan - . 2-1, 77-83.
Shinbo Teruyuki

Socioeconomic conditions and governance in the Atulayan Bay Marine Protected Area. 2-1, 85-92.
Raul G. Bradecina

Maritime policies for the protection of the coastal environment in the Philippines - with reference to seaweed-based ecosystem in the Marine Protected Area -. 2-1, 93-102.
Yoshinori Morooka, Raul G. Bradecina, Teruyuki Shinbo, Yoshiaki Iiguni and Cheryll C. Launio

Record of Discussion

Environmental education rooted in the local area of Kashiwajima Island, Otsuki, Kochi. 2-1, 111-116.
Masaru Kanda





海産バイオマス(ナンキョクオキアミ、Euphausia superba Dana)資源の多次元利用. 1-2, 56-71.


地域統合栄養ケアシステム-「食」を通じた健康づくり支援体制の構築-. 1-2, 72-87.
久保田賢?河合洋見?川上華子?細川公子?片岡浩巳?上田友美?竹島須真?川上奈々?佐藤由起子?上村和子?石黒 圭?鈴木道代?森澤香保理?安田誠史?武内世生?石塚悟史?倉本 秋


高知県いの町成山のヒノキ林と竹林における物質動態. 1-2, 88-95.


高知県仁淀川における森林土壌からの栄養塩供給および微細藻類へのその影響. 1-2, 96-104.
深見公雄?玉置 寛?和 吾郎


中山間地における棚田が支える植物の多様性とその保全. 1-2, 106-110.


大月町柏島における地域に根ざした環境教育. 1-2, 112-119.
神田 優


レイテ島?ギンサウゴン村の大規模山体崩壊-岩屑なだれ災害調査の概要-. 1-2, 120-126.
吉倉紳一?村井政徳?Eddie L. Listanco?諸岡慶昇


黒潮の魅力. 1-2, 128.





地域の食糧自給率の重要性と高知県室戸市における魚介類の地域食糧自給率の推定. 1-1, 1-16.
井上 修介?高橋 正征

総 説

四国の山岳気象. 1-1, 17-33.
千葉 修


黒潮圏沿岸域における藻場を中心とした海洋資源管理と環境保全:フィリピンの海洋保護政策と沿岸環境. 1-1, 35-50.
諸岡 慶昇?新保 輝幸?奥田 一雄?山岡 耕作?飯國 芳明?関田 諭子?原口 展子?婁 小波?ジン タナンゴナン?安延 久美


新たな研究教育施設「横浪林海実験所」の紹介と展望. 1-1, 51-55.
山岡 耕作
