




Advanced Study on Multidisciplinary Science


The class for the doctoral course students of the Kuroshio Science Program, "Advanced Study on Multidisciplinary Science (selective: 2 credits)" is offered by Indian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Filipino and Japanese alumni of the Kuroshio Science Program (Formerly, "Graduate School of Kuroshio Science") graduated between FY2007 and FY2018. They are active as faculty members in universities or institutes in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. The main contents of the lectures are based on their research achievements in the natural and social sciences related to terrestrial and marine areas. It will be provided to students of the Kuroshio Science Program, and general discussions will be held among faculty members, registered students, lecturers, and other participants from Japan and overseas on the 18th of Jan., 2024.

This class is open to anyone interested in attending. Please register in advance via the link below.


Please register from the following site.

<<16th (Tue), Jan. 2024>>

<<17th (Wed), Jan. 2024>>

<<18th (Thu), Jan. 2024>>


Jan. 16th (Tue)-18th (Thu), 2024

Schedule (JST)

~~~16th (Tue)~~~

10:50-11:00: Introduction
Satoshi Kubota (Kochi University, Japan)

11:00-12:00: Notes on functions of estuarine habitats for fishes in Vietnam
Dr. Hau Duc Tran (Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam)

12:10-13:10: Comparison of early life histories of euryhaline fishes in estuaries between Vietnam and Japan
Dr. Thanh Trung Tran (University of Science, Vietnam National University, Vietnam)

13:10-14:10: Lunch

14:10-15:10: The Study of Pelagic Fish Larvae as a Basis for Developing Offshore Marine Protected Areas in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Dr. Charles P. H. Simanjuntak (Institut Pertanian Bogor [IPB university], Indonesia)

15:20-16:20: Conservation of Benthic Marine Animals: Tidal Flats as Habitats for Endangered Species
Dr. Yumi Henmi (Kyoto University, Japan)

~~~17th (Wed)~~~

11:00-12:00: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Climate Resilient Agriculture Practices
Dr. Cheryll C. Launio (Benguet State Univerisity, Philippines)

12:10-13:10: Forest Landscape Restoration in Sarawak - overview of recent ecological studies on the plant and soil relationship
Dr. Mohd. Effendi Wasli (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak [UNIMAS], Malaysia)

13:10-14:10: Lunch

14:10-15:10: Traditional Knowledge of Dayak Ethnic of West Borneo in Utilization of Non-Timber Forest Products as Edible Plants in Food Resilience
Dr. Yeni Mariani (Tanjungpura University [UNTAN], Indonesia)

15:20-16:20: Medicinal Plants in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Correlation Between Ethnicity, Knowledge, Species Diversity and Scientific Evidence
Dr. Fathul Yusro (TanjungPura University [UNTAN], Indonesia)

~~~18th (Thu)~~~

11:00-12:00: Seaweed Ecophysiology (ecology + physiology): The principles and applications
Dr. Jayvee A. Saco (Batangas State University, Philippines)

12:10-13:10: Studies on coral eco-physiology in East-Asia
Dr. Shashank Keshavmurthy (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

13:10-13:20: Analysis of molecular clustering on the living cell membrane
Dr. Arisa Miyagawa-Yamaguchi (Kochi University, Japan)

13:20-14:10: Lunch

14:10-15:10: Valuing Ecosystem Services: Input to Environmental Policy
Dr. Emma L. Ballad (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources [BFAR], Department of Agriculture, Philippines)

15:20-16:20: Total Discussion



Dr. Hau Duc Tran (Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam)

Reserch and Other Activities

My research is focussing on taxonomy, ichthyofauna, biology and ecology of fish in estuaries and mangroves in northern Vietnam. One of the most important aspects that I am working on is to understand the early stages of fish in the above habitats. Recently, we have applied novel techniques to explore the distribution as well as predict the occurrence of fish under climate change and human activities. Based on these data, I will be able to introduce suitable solutions in conservation and sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in Vietnam, which will be integrated in my lectures, such as Zoology, Ecology and Marine Biology for undergraduates in HNUE. Also, annually I have lectures for international students, who participate in the Marine Biology Course held in Niigata University, Japan.

Finally, I hope to share what I know and hope to know what you share from the online class organized by Kochi University.

List of Publications (Selected)

Combining a deep learning model with an optimization algorithm to detect the dispersal of the early stages of spotted butterfish in northern Vietnam under global warming. Anh Ngoc Thi Do, Tran Duc Hau. Ecological Informatics, 102380, 2023

A matrix approach to tropical marine ecosystem service assessments in South East Asia. Hattam C, Broszeit S, Langmead O, Praptiwi RA, Lim VC, Creencia LA, Tran DH, Maharja C, Setia TM, Wulandari P, Sugardjito J, Javier J, Jose E, Gajardo LJ, Then AYH, Affendi YA, Johari S, Justine EV, Hussein MAS, Goh HC, Nguyen PH, Nguyen VQ, Le NT, Nguyen HT, Edwards-Jones A, Clewley D, Austen M. Ecosystem services. 51, :101346, 2021

Planktonic larvae of Luciogobius sp. (Gobiidae) in a tropical estuary. Ta Thi Thuy, Tran Duc Hau, Dinh Gia Linh, Nguyen Ha My, Tran Trung Thanh, Ha Manh Linh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48, 102068, 2021

Length-weight relationship and condition factor of the mudskipper (Periophthalmus modestus) in the Red River delta. Tran Duc Hau, Nguyen Hong Hai, Ha Manh Linh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 46, 101903, 2021

Dependence of Hainan medaka, Oryzias curvinotus (Nichols & Pope, 1927), on salinity in the Tien Yen estuary of northern Vietnam. Hau Tran Duc and Thuy Thi Ta. Animal Biology, 66(1), 49-64, 2016

List of Achievements

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Dr. Thanh Trung Tran (University of Science, Vietnam National University, VNU, Vietnam)

Reserch and Other Activities

Fish larvae, Coastal biodiversity, Coastal ecology.

List of Publications (Selected)

Present status of inland fisheries and its linkage to ecosystem health and human wellbeing in North Central of Vietnam. Nguyen Hong Hanh, Nam Thanh Nguyen, Thanh Trung Tran, Tien Hanh Thi Nguyen, Huan Xuan Nguyen and Duong Thuy Nguyen. Ecosystem Services, 59, 101505, 2023

Notes on morphology and spatio?temporal distribution of early?stage juveniles of Acanthopagrus pacificus (Sparidae) in the estuary of northern Vietnam. Tran Trung Thanh, Tran Duc Hau and Nguyen Thanh Nam. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 7, 80, 2021

Simultaneous and sympatric occurrence of early juveniles of Acanthopagrus latus and A. schlegelii (Sparidae) in the estuary of northern Vietnam. Tran Trung Thanh, Tran Duc Hau and Izumi Kinoshita. Limnology, 20, 321-326, 2019

Larval description and habitat utilization of an amphidromous goby, Redigobius bikolanus (Gobiidae). Thanh Trung Tran, Hau Duc Tran, and Huan Xuan Nguyen. Animal Biology 68(1), 2018

Occurrence of two types of larvae of the Asian seaperch (Lateolabrax) in the estuaries of northern Vietnam. Tran Trung Thanh, Tran Duc Hau and Izumi Kinoshita. Ichthyological Research 64, 244-249, 2017

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Dr. Charles P. H. Simanjuntak (Institut Pertanian Bogor [IPB university], Indonesia)

Reserch and Other Activities

Marine Biodiversity, Fish Biodiversity and Conservation, Ecology and Biology of Fishes, Ichthyoplankton, Early Life History of Marine Fishes, DNA Barcoding & e-DNA, and Intertidal Ecology.

•Director of EMBRIO (Enhancing Marine Biodiversity Research in Indonesia), FFMS, IPB University

•General Secretary of The Indonesian Ichthyological Society (IIS)

•Reviewer of LDPD Scholarship, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

•Reviewer of Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesian Education Scholarship) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia

•Reviewer of the Stipendium Hungaricum

•Reviewer of Garuda ACE Scholarship Program, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia

List of Publications (Selected)

Reproductive biology of the mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier, 1833), in the Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia. 1. Retnoningtyas H, Agustina S, Natsir M, Ningtias P, Hakim A, Dhani AK, Hartati ID, Pingkan J, Simanjuntak CPH, Wiryawan B, Taurusman AZ, Purbayanto A, Palm HW, Prasetia R, Yulianto I. Regional Studies in Marine Science. Volume 69, 103300, 2024

A Century of Ichthyoplankton Research in Indonesian waters: lessons from the past, challenges for the future. Syahailatua, A., Taufik, M., Wagiyo, K. Sugeha HY, Simanjuntak CPH, Wouthuyzen S, Miller MJ, Aoyama J. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2023

Distribution, abundance, and species composition of fish larvae and juveniles of Gobiidae in the Cimaja estuary, Palabuhanratu, Indonesia. Baihaqi F, Simanjuntak CPH, Sulistiono, Prabowo T, Annida SB, Ervinia A, Budiman MS. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1033: 012004, 2022

Recruitment patterns of freshwater amphidromous fishes (Pisces: Gobiidae, Eleotridae) to the Cimaja estuary, Palabuhanratu Bay. Simanjuntak CPH, Baihaqi F, Prabowo T, Annida SB, Sulistiono, Ervinia A.. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 21 (3), 321-337, 2021

Diversity pattern and juvenile fish assemblage in the nearshore habitats of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. Abdillah D, Simanjuntak CPH, Rahardjo MF, Djumanto Djumanto, Kautsari N, Saputra A. E3S Web of Conferences, 322, 01006, 2021

Estimating the spawning and growth of striped snakehead Channa striata Bloch, 1793 in Lake Rawa Pening Indonesia. Djumanto, Setyobudi E, Simanjuntak CPH, Rahardjo MF. Scientific Reports 10, 19830, 2020

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Sinta Kemendikbud: <<LINK>>

Orcid: <<LINK>>

Dr. Yumi Henmi (Kyoto University, Japan)

Reserch and Other Activities

Marine Ecology, Marine Biodiversity, Crustacean Biology.

List of Publications (Selected)

A new species of the ghost shrimp genus Callianassa Leach, 1814 (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) from Wakasa Bay, western Japan: the first representative of the genus from the Pacific region. Yumi Henmi, Gyo Itani, Masayuki Osawa, Tomoyuki Komai.Zootaxa, 5182(5), 465-478, 2022

Factors structuring estuarine and coastal fish communities across Japan using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Manabu Kume, Edouard Lavergne, Hyojin Ahn, Yuki Terashima, Kohmei Kadowaki, Feng Ye, Satoshi Kameyama, Yoshiaki Kai, Yumi Henmi, Yoh Yamashita, Akihide Kasai. Ecological Indicators, 121, 107216, 2021

Occasional utilization of crustacean burrows by the estuarine goby Mugilogobius abei. Yumi Henmi, Yuya Okada, Gyo Itani. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 528: 151383, 2020

Mesocosm experiments revealed a possible negative effect exerted by the facultatively symbiotic goby on the host alpheid shrimp burrow. Yumi Henmi, Chiho Fujiwara, Gyo Itani. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 527: 151379, 2020

Field survey and resin casting of Gymnogobius macrognathos spawning nests in the Tatara River, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Yumi Henmi, Katsuhisa Eguchi, Ryutei Inui, Jun Nakajima, Norio Onikura, Gyo Itani. Ichthyological Research, 65(1) 168-171, 2017

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Researchmap: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Dr. Cheryll C. Launio (Benguet State Univerisity, Philippines)

Reserch and Other Activities

Tropical Soil Resource Management (Forestry and Agriculture); Forest Landscape Restoration.

List of Publications (Selected)

“Concern for community”: Case of cooperatives in the Cordillera region, Philippines. Cheryll C. Launio, Mary Cris B. Sotelo. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 9(1), 100130, 2021

Adoption and economic analysis of using biological control in Philippine highland farms: Case of Trichoderma koningii strain KA. Cheryll C. Launio, Kacy O. Labon, Alladin A. Bañez, Ruth S. Batani. Crop Protection, 136, 105177, 2020

Effects of Extreme Weather Events and Coping Mechanisms of Smallholder Highland Farmers and Traders: Case of Typhoon Ompong (Super Typhoon Mangkhut) in Benguet, Philippines. Cheryll C. Launio. The Philippine Agricultural Scientist, 103, 80-92, 2020

Cost-effectiveness analysis of farmers' rice straw management practices considering CH4 and N2O emissions. Cheryll C. Launio, Constancio A. Asis, Rowena G. Manalili and Evelyn F. Javier. Journal of Environmental Management, 183, 245-252, 2016

What factors influence choice of waste management practice? Evidence from rice straw management in the Philippines. Cheryll C Launio, Constancio A Asis, Jr, Rowena G Manalili, Evelyn F Javier, and Annabelle F Belizario. Waste Management and Research, 32(2), 2014

List of Achievements


Dr. Mohd. Effendi Wasli (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak [UNIMAS], Malaysia)

Reserch and Other Activities

Tropical Soil Resource Management (Forestry and Agriculture); Forest Landscape Restoration.

List of Publications (Selected)

Eco-friendly cellulose hydrogels as controlled release fertilizer for enhanced growth and yield of upland rice. Abg Ahmad, D.F.B., Wasli, M.E., Tan, C.S.Y. et al. Sci Rep 13, 20453, 2023

Outplanting Performance of the Bornean Tropical Indigenous Species Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton in relation to Seedling Age. Perumal, M., Wasli, M.E., Ho, S.Y. International Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 2021, Article ID 8859205, 12 pages, 2021

Assessment on the growth performance of planted Dryobalanops beccarii at reforestation sites after implementation of selective girdling. 3. Wasli ME, Bungan, D.A., Kalu, M., Sidi, M., Nahraw,i H., Elias, H. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(5): 1880-1889, 2020

Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Sandy-Textured Soils under Smallholder Agricultural Land Use Practices in Sarawak, East Malaysia. 2. Ho, S.Y., Wasli, M.E., Perumal, M. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2019, Article ID 7685451, 14 pages, 2019

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

UNIMAS Expert profile: <<LINK>>

Dr. Yeni Mariani (Tanjungpura University [UNTAN], Indonesia)

Reserch and Other Activities

Forest product technology, non-timber forest product, medicinal plants, ethnobotany, forest environment and sustainable human society.

List of Publications (Selected)

The Patterns of Agroforestry and Its Contribution to The Community Income. Emi Roslinda, Fransiska Wiwi Prisila, Yeni Mariani. . Sylva Lestari. 11(3) 543-557, 2023

Eksplorasi Famili Zingiberaceae di Taman Wisata Alam Baning Kota Sintang Kalimantan Barat. Barnabas Gianto, Yeni Mariani, Lolyta Sisillia. Jurnal Tengkawang. 13(2) 131-141, 2023

Utilization of Plants as Food Source: A Study in Sungai Bakah Village, Melawi Regency. Niconaus, Hasan Ashari Oramahi, Fathul Yusro, Yeni Mariani. Jurnal Biologi Tropis. 23(3) 12-21, 2023

Pemanfaatan Tanaman Pangan Oleh Masyarakat Desa Sungai Muntik Kabupaten Sanggau. Fathul Yusro, Hasan Ashari Oramahi, Yeni Mariani, Efitanus Angga Windra. Jurnal Hutan Lestari. 11(2) 451-468, 2023

The Utilization of Medicinal Plants in The Postpartum Care by Belaban Ella Village’s Women of Belaban Resort of Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBR). Yeni Mariani, Fathul Yusro, Yuliati Indrayani, Vera Jesika. . Jurnal Biologi Tropis. 23(1) 296-306, 2023

List of Achievements

Sinta Kemendikbud: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Dr. Fathul Yusro (TanjungPura University [UNTAN], Indonesia)

Reserch and Other Activities

Medicinal plants, ethnobotany, forest product technology, non-timber forest product.

List of Publications (Selected)

Kajian Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Suku Dayak Belangin di Desa Dange Aji Kecamatan Air Besar Kabupaten Landak. L Lusiana, GE Tavita, Y Mariani, F Yusro. Jurnal Serambi Engineering 8 (2), 2023

Ethnomedicinal plants used by the community of Dayak Kanayatn tribe in the Tonang Village West Kalimantan, Indonesia. F Yusro, Y Mariani, RP Sari. Kuroshio Science 16 (1), 27-38, 2022

Potensi Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat di Hutan Penam Ketungau Kabupaten Sintang. F Yusro, G Hardiansyah, E Erianto, Y Mariani, D Nurdwiansyah, H Hendarto, A Aripin. Bioscientist: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 9 (2), 346-361, 2021

Pemanfaatan tanaman obat oleh masyarakat Suku Melayu di Kabupaten Sambas. RN Pranaka, F Yusro, I Budiastutik. . Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 13 (1), 1-24, 2020

Kalimantan Barat (the Utilization of Medicinal Plants by Communities Around Bukit Kelam Nature Park, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan). F Yusro, RN Pranaka, I Budiastutik, Y Mariani. Jurnal Sylva Lestari 8 (2), 255-272, 2020

List of Achievements

Sinta Kemendikbud: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Dr. Jayvee A. Saco (Batangas State University, Philippines)

Reserch and Other Activities

Ecophysiology, Culture, Cell Biology, Biodiversity, and Taxonomy of Seaweeds.

List of Publications (Selected)

Good coral cover and high diversity of corals in non-MPA reefs of the Verde Island Passage as a basis for increased protection and conservation. Miguel Enrique Ma. Azcuna, Jonel A. Corral, Enriquo Velasquez and Jayvee Ablaña Saco.Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology, Volume 16, Issue 1, DOI:10.26757/pjsb2022a16012, 2023

Linking Thallus Morphology with P-I Curves of 50 Macrobenthic Algae from Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines. Jayvee Ablaña Saco and Edna T. Ganzon-Fortes. Philipp J Sci 151(S1): 207–221, 2021

Macrophyte Diversity and Conservation Values of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines. Najeen Arabelle M. Rula, Khay Ann J. Ramos-Danila, Jovy Ann Patchicoy Valera, John Matthew H. Arcega, and Jayvee Ablaña Saco. Philipp J Sci 151(S1): 135–156, 2021

Photosynthetic fluctuation accompanied by translocation of chloroplasts in Ulva conglobata (Ulvophyceae) grown under a low irradiance regime. Jayvee Ablaña Saco, Satoko Sekida and Ichiro Mine. Phycological Research, 69(2) 137-147, 2021

Marine macrophyte composition during summer, southwest and northeast monsoons in Verde Island, Batangas City, Batangas. Saco, Jayvee Ablaña, Rula, Najeen Arabelle M., Arcega, John Matthew, Tabuga, Alvin, Persia, Alecs, and Alub, Mark Anthony. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology, Volume 16, Issue 1, DOI:10.26757/pjsb2022a16012, 2021

List of Achievements

Specialized Philippine Enterprise Reference of Experts and Scientists: <<LINK>>

VIP Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life Sciences (VIP CORALS): <<LINK>>

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Expert'S Profile: <<LINK>>

Dr. Shashank Keshavmurthy (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Reserch and Other Activities

I have extensive experience in research related to coral-Symbiodinium eco-physiology, molecular ecology, reproduction and development and stress-physiology. Over the past decade, I have worked to understand the Symbiodinium diversity and distributions in corals from the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Persian/Arabian Gulf, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. I am specifically interested in corals present in high-latitude, extreme and marginal environments. I have also conducted several temperature stress experiments, using both adult corals and early life stages of corals, in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Palau. I am also looking at diversity and distributions of Symbiodinium in corals present at locations under long-term disturbance (nuclear power plant and adjacent areas in Taiwan).

My present research related to stress-physiology involves understanding the resistance mechanisms, thermal threshold limits, plasticity, resistance potential and eco-physiological memory in corals with different life history strategies (e.g. competitive, weedy, stress tolerant) present in environments with different long-term thermal histories under short and long-term temperature stress .

List of Publications (Selected)

Succession and Emergence of Corals in High-Latitude (Temperate) Areas of Eastern Asia into the Future. T. Mezaki, J.D. Reimer, K-S Choi, C.A Chen.In: Takeuchi I, Yamashiro H (ed.) Coral reefs in the eastern Asia under anthropogenic impacts. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland (Book Chapter), 2023

Learning from the past is not enough to survive present and future bleaching threshold temperatures. S, Chen T-R, Liu P-J, Wang J-T, Chen CA. Science of The Total Environment (Impact factor: 10.753), 852, 158379, 2022

Physiological plasticity of corals to temperature stress in marginal coral communities. S, Beals M, Hsieh HJ, Choi K-S, Chen CA. Science of The Total Environment (Impact factor: 10.753), 758, 143628, 2021

Specificity trumps flexibility – Location-based stable association between Symbiodiniaceae genera in Platygyra verweyi (Scleractinia; Merulinidae). Tee H-S, Kao, K-W, Wang J-T, Chen CA.PeerJ (Impact factor: 3.061), 8, e8791, 2020

Coral reef resilience in Taiwan: Lessons from long-term ecological research on the coral reefs of Kenting National Park (Taiwan). S, Kuo C-Y, Huang Y-Y, Carballo-Bolanos R, Meng P-J, Wang J-T, Chen CA. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Impact factor: 1.732). 7(11), 388, 2019

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Dr. Arisa Miyagawa-Yamaguchi (Kochi University, Japan)

Reserch and Other Activities

Molecular Biology, Glycobiology, Proximity labeling methods for proteomic analysis of membrane proteins.

List of Publications (Selected)

Proximity Labeling and Proteomics: Get to Know Neighbors. Kotani N., Araki T., Miyagawa-Yamaguchi A., Amimoto T., Nakano M. and Honke K. Methods Enzymol., 679, 131-162, 2023

The Enzyme-Mediated Activation of Radical Sources (EMARS) Reaction: A New Tool for Identification of Membrane Microdomain-Associated GPI-Anchored Glycoprotein Partners. Kotani N., Miyagawa-Yamaguchi A. and Honke K. Comprehensive Glycosci., 364-371, 2021

Each GPI-anchored protein species forms a specific lipid raft depending on its GPI attachment signal. Miyagawa-Yamaguchi A., Kotani N. and Honke K. Glycoconj J. 32, 531-540, 2015

Segregation of lipid rafts revealed by the EMARS method using GPI-anchored HRP fusion proteins. Miyagawa-Yamaguchi A., Kotani N. and Honke K. Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 26, 59-69, 2014

Expressed Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored horseradish peroxidase identifies co-clustering molecules in individual lipid raft domains. Miyagawa-Yamaguchi A., Kotani N. and Honke K. PLoS ONE 9, e93054, 2014

List of Achievements

ResearchGate: <<LINK>>

Dr. Emma L. Ballad (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources [BFAR],
Regional Office No.02
, Department of Agriculture, Philippines)

Reserch and Other Activities

Fisheries Resource Management, Fisheries Governance, Environmental Economics, Resource Valuation, Socio-economics, Aquaculture.

List of Publications (Selected)

Impact of Ecotourism on Local Community’s Participation in Coastal Resource Management: Case of Palaui Island Protected Landscape and Seascape (PIPLS) in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Ballad, E.L., Morooka, Y. and Shinbo, T. The Philippine Journal of Fisheries, 28(2), 158-170, 2021

Perceptions of Coastal Villagers on the Non-Use Values of Mangroves in Cagayan Province, Philippines. Ballad, E.L. and Mangabat, C. Maritime Technology and Research 3(4), 322-334, 2021

Valuing the Storm Protection Function of Mangroves: A Case Study from Northern Luzon, Philippines. Ballad, E.L. and Mangabat, C. The Journal of Emerging Research in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2(1), 1-12, 2021

Evaluation of the Villager’s Willingness to Work or Pay for the Promotion of Community-based Marine Protected Areas in Cagayan Province, Philippines. Ballad, E.L., Shinbo, T. and Morooka, Y. Japanese Journal of Agricultural Economics 20, 61-66, 2018

Role of Extension Services with Special Reference to Livelihood Projects for Supporting a Community-based Marine Protected Area in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Ballad, E.L., Morooka, Y. and Shinbo, T. Asian Fisheries Science 30, 1-16, 2017

List of Achievements

Google Scholar: <<LINK>>

Research Gate: <<LINK>>

Dr. Satoshi Kubota (Kochi University, Japan)

Reserch and Other Activities

Biochemical and Molecular Biology of marine food and bioresources. Construction of integrated healthcare and nutrition care systems and sustainable human society.

List of Publications (Selected)

Cytogenetic evidence and dmrt linkage indicate male heterogamety in a non-bilaterian animal. Joshua Vacarizas, Takahiro Taguchi, Takuma Mezaki, Sam Edward Manalili, Rei Kawakami, Satoshi Kubota. PLOS ONE, 18(5) e0285851-e0285851, May 18, 2023

Karyotypic analysis and isolation of four DNA markers of the scleractinian coral Favites pentagonal (Esper, 1795) (Scleractinia, Anthozoa, Cnidaria). Rei Kawakami, Takahiro Taguchi, Joshua Vacarizas, Masumi Ito, Takuma Mezaki, Akira Tominaga, Satoshi Kubota. Comparative Cytogenetics, 16(1) 77-92, Apr 5, 2022

Proximate composition and changes in muscle proteins of dried salted abo (Otolithes ruber). Teresa N. Avila, Myrna C.Bigueja, Raul G. Bradecina, Antonino B. Mendoza, Jr, Katrina L. Canon, Satoshi Kubota Food Research, 6(1) 178-187, Feb 5, 2022

Cytogenetic markers using single-sequence probes reveal chromosomal locations of tandemly repetitive genes in scleractinian coral Acropora pruinosa. Joshua Vacarizas, Takahiro Taguchi, Takuma Mezaki, Masatoshi Okumura, Rei Kawakami, Masumi Ito, Satoshi Kubota. Scientific reports, 11(1) 16758-16758, Aug 12, 2021

Occurrence of Anguilla luzonensis in the tributaries along the Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. Katrina L. Canon, Plutomeo M. Nieves, Antonino B. Mendoza Jr., John Christopher C. Nolial, Nino C. Celestial, Ronnie O. Mediario, Raul G. Bradecina, Teresa N. Avila, Satoshi Kubota. Journal of Fisheries Science, 3(1), Apr 22, 2021

List of Achievements

Researchmap: <<LINK>>


Regional Revitalization Forum 2 (2023)
 Development of doctoral course program nurturing "Advanced Foreign Human Resources" who contributes to "Regional Revitalization".



With 90 participants from a total of 14 universities and governmental agencies, a seminar was held from 3pm (JST) on Friday, March 17, 2023. Nine of these universities and governmental agencies, from five economies (Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar and Japan), have academic exchange agreements in place with Kochi University. Presentations on the conservation of species diversity through nature reserves and the ecophysiology of precious corals—the precious coral industry is indigenous to Kochi —were given. In addition, efforts for “regional revitalization” by Kochi University , mainly in the city of Muroto, were introduced to the audience. Active discussion followed with questions on topics including methods to establish nature reserves and tips for job creation through regional revitalization.



Following Japan, which has a high aging population rate, Taiwan is also facing rapid aging and population decline, and there are concerns that the vitality of rural areas will decline.

In 2021, 10 Japanese and Taiwanese universities, including Kochi University, established the "TJ Alliance (Taiwan-Japan Alliance)" and began sharing human resource development initiatives to promote "Regional Revitalization." In addition, Kochi University has supported doctoral students by providing scholarships for their degree research since FY2021 to academically promote " Regional Revitalization " and help them settle in the region after completing their studies.

In this seminar, we will introduce these examples and discuss future developments.

14:00-15:30 (Taiwan, Philippines), Mar. 17th (Fri), 2023

Webinar by MS-Teams

Deadline: Mar. 15th (Wed), 2023


Presentation 1

Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Flora and Fauna: Case Study in Japan

Dela Vega Jioie Muriel Aquino (Kuroshio Science program, Kochi University)

Presentation 2

Physiological Ecology of Precious Corals from Japan using Transcriptome Analysis

Ma. Marivic Capitle Pepino (Kuroshio Science program, Kochi University)

Presentation 3

Promoting internationalization in the local communities in collaboration with Kochi university

Shingo Akaike (Center of Regional Sustainability and Innovation, Kochi University)

Regional Revitalization Forum 1 (2021)
How does Regional Revitalization Confront Aging and Declining Populations?
~The challenge of the Regional University~

"Regional Revitalization" is one of key policy in Japanese which aim of resolving some of the problems facing East Asia, including population decline, an aging population combined with a low birth rate, and declining regional economies. In this seminar, we discussed the role of higher education for its promotion.