






 The Philippines-Japan Association for the Kuroshio Science Promotion, Inc. or PHILJAPKUS, Inc. is a private, non-stock, non-profit, a a professional organization that aims at forging collaboration in both countries on research and development in socio-economic, agriculture, aquatic and natural resources and other associated fields along with the Kuroshio Region. The organization was conceptualized with the increasing number of graduates from the Kuroshio Science Program of the Kochi University.


Please visit our FB PAGE for updates on different activities of the organization and its members

 The logo of the Philippines-Japan Association for the Kuroshio Science Promotion, Inc. or PHILJAPKUS represents the research, academic, and extension collaboration between the Philippines and Japan with the abstraction of the Philippine and Japanese flags. The waves represent the continuing and sustainable promotion in the Kuroshio region. The intertwined Sampaguita (Philippine National Flower) and the famous Japanese Sakura represent the long-lasting friendship between the two countries.


PHILJAPKUS: Sustainable Cooperation for the Promotion of Kuroshio Science


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Webinar ID: 921 5478 4294
Passcode: 603918

Contact Us

If you have question, could you contact to: philjapkus2020@gmail.com


Time Activity Key Person
12:40 – 13:00
(13:40 – 14:00 JST)
Registration Secretariat
13:00 – 13:05
(14:00 – 14:05 JST)
Invocation AVP
13:05 – 13:10
(14:05 – 14:10 JST)
Tribute to Dr. Victor S. Soliman AVP
13:10 – 13:15
(14:10 – 14:15 JST)
Opening Message Kozo Iwasaki, Ph. D.
Dean, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University
13:15 – 13:45
(14:15 – 14:45 JST)
Presentation of the Kuroshio Science Program, the Alumni and the PHILJAPKUS Alex P. Camaya, Ph. D.
Presentation of research activities by graduates of Kuroshio Science, Kochi University
13:45 – 14:00
(14:45 – 15:00 JST)
Research on Ecophysiology in Seaweeds during and beyond Kochi University Jayvee Saco, Ph. D.
Batangas State University, Philippines
14:00 – 14:15
(15:00 – 15:15 JST)
Records of remarkable benthos in Tango Bay, Sea of Japan Yumi Henmi, Ph. D.
Kyoto University, Japan
14:15 – 14:30
(15:15 – 15:30 JST)
14:30 – 14:45
(15:30 – 15:45 JST)
From a propagule to a growing mangal tree by the coast upstream of Kuroshio: Knowledge acquisition, co-creation and persuasion promoting rational coastal resource utilization, ecosystem services protection and sustainable development in Bicol Region Raul G. Bradecina, Ph. D.
Partido State University, Philippines
14:45 – 15:00
(15:45 – 16:00 JST)
Present and Future of Coral and Coral Communities in East Asia (Japan, Korea and Taiwan) Shashank Keshavmurthy, Ph. D.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
15:00 – 15:15
(16:00 – 16:15 JST)
Induction of the PHILJAPKUS Officers Yoshinori Morooka
Professor Emeritus, Kochi University
Message of Support
15:15 – 15:20
(16:15 – 16:20 JST)
  Arnulfo M. Mascariñas, Ph. D.
SUC President IV, Bicol University
15:20 – 15:25
(16:20 – 16:25 JST)
  Angel Encarnacion, DMSc
Officer-in-Charge, BFAR 2
15:25 – 15:30
(16:25 – 16:30 JST)
  Laura T. David, Ph. D.
Director, UP-MSI
15:30 – 15:35
(16:30 – 16:35 JST)
  Clement Camposano, Ph. D.
Chancellor, UP Visayas
15:35 – 15:50
(16:35 – 16:50 JST)
Moving Forward Satoshi Kubota, Ph. D.
Head of Kuroshio Science program, Kochi University, Japan
Emma L. Ballad, Ph. D.
Lady of Ceremony


Message from Alumni

Dr. Raul G. Bradecina
~A product of Kochi University who embraced the Kochi University Graduate School of Kuroshio Science's advocacy to promote sustainable communities downstream of the Kuroshio Sphere of Influence~

Profile (30th Mar. 2023)


Name: Raul Giga Bradecina
Workplace: Partido State University, Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Year of graduation: 2012

When he applied as president of PSU in 2015, Dr Bradecina presented a vision for the University which he will implement when he will be selected by the university governing board, the Board of Regents. He crafted a strategic plan of action for the university as a generator of knowledge, as producer of competitive professionals, and as a catalyst of sustainable development in the service area. His conviction about a university being a knowledge generator and producer of competitive professionals has been greatly influenced by his exposure to the system of instructions in Kochi University as a research academic institution which trains the intellectual capital of its society that supports a knowledge-based economy. His advocacy for the university as a catalyst of development has been immensely inspired by his deep immersion on the pedagogical framework adopted by the Graduate School of Kuroshio Science to nurture talented individuals towards the promotion of sustainable communities along the Kuroshio Sphere of influence.

Dr Bradecina was a 2009 JSPS Ronpaku PhD Dissertation scholar. He has been an active researcher and community extension worker, a dean, and research director of PSU before he became a Ronpaku scholar at Kochi University. After his graduation from Kochi University, he became the Vice President for Research and Extension where he managed all of the research and community extension programs and projects implemented by university faculty members. He crafted the university research and extension agenda that tackle current development issues such as protection and conservation of coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, sustainable resource utilization and livelihood, and resilient communities.

About my current work


I am currently working as President of Partido State University (PSU) , a state-funded higher education institution composed of seven campuses distributed in Partido District, an aggregation of ten adjacent local government units in southeastern Philippines. My task is to manage the four functions of the University namely, instructions, research, extension and income generation. This is apart from overseeing the day-to-day operation of the university which consisted of administrative and financial responsibilities to support the needs of around 500 faculty members both tenured and non-tenured, 300 administrative and support personnel and more than 6,000 students. The insights I learned from my graduate education and the Kuroshio graduate program provided me deep understanding about the concepts of sustainable governance, social capital, resource management, economic incentives and policy analysis and economic valuation which have strong link and significant application in managing the operations of higher education institution and in the conceptualization and implementation of socially relevant and development oriented research and community extension programs. As an academic leader, I am expected to aggressively pursue the university direction for internationalization, or engagements of our university for co-creation, knowledge sharing and student mobilization with universities abroad. My relationship with Kochi University as its alumnus provided the initial network, and its Kuroshio Science research collaboration with partner universities in the Philippines offered the catalytic opportunity for me to pump –prime PSU’s internationalization strategic plan into action.

Message for students

Apart from acquiring advanced knowledge and skills from our graduate education in Kochi University, we must always think of applying these knowledge and skills to address the most urgent concerns of our communities and society. In doing these, it is very crucial to deeply understand the overarching goal and vision of the curricular program of the university that molded us to guide us. They are the ones that will tell us what productive scholarship, and what engaged scholarship must we invest these learned knowledge and skills in order to demonstrate and deliver the desired outcomes expected from us as generator of new knowledge, as innovator, as advocate of change and as an agent of sustainable development.

Dr. Takeshi Hirayama
~Specialists who handle fish diseases will be responsible for the future of aquaculture~

Profile (11th Jan. 2023)


Name: Takeshi Hirayama
Workplace: Nissui Corporation
Year of graduation: 2007

While job hunting, Dr. Hirayama had been thinking about leveraging his knowledge of fish diseases, which he had learned in the laboratory, to work as a university researcher or for a fermentation-related company. However, he joined his current company after introducing the content of his degree research, which he was responsible for while he was a student at Kochi University, to the Central Research Laboratory at Nissui (then Nippon Suisan).

After joining Nissui, he spent five years as a researcher at the Central Research Laboratory, where he conducted research on fish diseases while working out of Saiki City in Oita Prefecture. In his sixth year, he was transferred to Chile in South America for five years, with his primary mission being to handle fish diseases that had become problems in the aquaculture business in Chile. Upon returning to Japan, he went back to the Aquaculture Business Promotion Department , where he is engaged in projects such as the development of new businesses

About my current work

At present, I am a member of the Aquaculture Business Promotion Section in the Aquaculture Business Promotion Department of Nissui Corporation, where we provide various forms of support related to aquaculture, including making technical follow-ups on seeds, feed, aquaculture, and processing for the Nissui Group’s aquaculture businesses throughout Japan.

I am also involved in promoting efforts to create and commercialize new aquaculture businesses in collaboration with local governments and fishery companies.

For example, in the past, I was involved in the startup of coho salmon farming in Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and in the establishment of the "Sakaiminato salmon" business, in which farms raise salmon all the way from fry to maturity.

Prospects for the future


As a company, we intend to maintain our focus on aquaculture businesses going forward. In this context, I feel that as a specialist in fish diseases-one of only about five such experts in the entire company-it is my mission to ensure the stable operation of new businesses, which includes fish disease countermeasures at large-scale aquaculture sites.

The environment surrounding aquaculture businesses is faced with various challenges, such as increasing the scale of aquaculture for main target fish species and reducing the use of antibiotics, but I believe that there are many situations in which I can utilize what I have learned and experienced up to this point. Furthermore, we are also looking into expanding sales to other countries of fish species that are farmed on a large scale overseas, as well as overseas expansion of products farmed in Japan. As the field in which I can flourish continues to expand globally, I would like to grow even more as an aquaculture professional.

Message for students

While it is very important to engage in study and research activities, I hope that you will also actively get involved in off-campus activities and part-time work. Once you get a job and enter the working world, you will have more opportunities to come into contact with diverse opinions and ideas. Starting from your student days, I would like you to interact with many people, develop your communication skills and vitality, and make strides toward the vision of the future you have for yourself.