
彫嬍丂堦恖丂乮Kazuto Kodama乯

  • 奀梞僐傾憤崌尋媶僙儞僞乕丒嫵庼乮愱擟乯
  • 憤崌尋媶僙儞僞乕奀梞晹栧丒寭柋嫵堳
  • 戝妛堾棟妛尋媶壢
愱栧暘栰 強懏妛夛
屆抧帴婥妛丒娾愇帴婥妛丒娐嫬帴婥妛丂 擔杮抧幙妛夛丒抧媴揹帴婥抧媴榝惎寳妛夛丒AGU乮傾儊儕僇抧媴暔棟妛楢崌乯
庡側尋媶僥乕儅 庡側嬈愌
屆抧帴婥妛偺僥僋僩僯僋僗傊偺 墳梡

Magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Upper Cretaceous System in the North Pacific: Jour. Asian Earth Sci., 21, 949-956, 2003. Kodama, K.

Paleomagnetism of mid-Cretaceous red beds in western central Kyushu Island, Southwest Japan: paleoposition of Cretaceous sedimentary basins in the eastern margin of Asia: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 201, 233-246, 2002. Kodama, K. and T. Takeda

Low latitude and southern hemisphere origin of the Anisian (Triassic) bedded chert in the Inuyama area, Mino terrane, centrel Japan: Jour. Geophys. Res., 106, 1973-1986, 2001. Ando, A., K. Kodama, S. Kojima

Magnetostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous strata in South Sakhalin, Russian Far East: Cretaceous Research, 21, 469-478, 2000. Kodama, K., H. Maeda, Y. Shigeta, T. Kase, and T. Takeuchi

Paleomagnetic evidence for block rotations in central Hokkaido-south Sakhalin, Northeast Asia: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 169, 7-21, 1999. Takeuchi, T., K. Kodama, T. Ozawa

Quaternary counterclockwise rotation of south Kyushu, southwest Japan: Geology, 23, 823-826, 1995. Kodama, K., H. Tashiro, and T. Takeuchi

  • 忣曬張棟II乮嫟捠嫵堢乯
  • 屆抧帴婥妛乮棟妛晹乯
  • 働乕僗僗僞僨傿IX乮棟妛晹乯
怴偟偄僴乕僪僂僃傾丒僜僼僩僂僃傾 偺奐敪偵傛傞崅惛搙丒崅暘夝擻偺屆抧帴婥娾愇帴婥應掕傪婎慴偲偟偰尋媶傪偡偡傔 偰偄傞丅丂