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Yuhji Yamamoto
[Personal web page]

Paleomagnetism, Rock magnetism

Changes of the Earth's magnetic field through time.
Methodology of the absolute paleointensity determinations.
Environmental magnetic applications to marine sediments.

External role

B.Sc.: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1997.
M.Sc.: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999.
D.Sc.: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2002.

Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union
Japan Geoscience Union
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS, JAPAN)

Selected Publications
Yamamoto Y., and Shaw J. "Development of the microwave LTD-DHT
Shaw method for absolute paleointensity determination ",
Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter., 170, 15-23, 2008.

Yamamoto Y., and Hoshi H. "Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic studies
of the Sakurajima 1914 and 1946 andesitic lavas from Japan: A comparison
of the LTD-DHT Shaw and Thellier paleointensity methods ",
Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter., 167, 118-143, 2008. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., Tsunakawa H., Shaw J., and Kono M. "Paleomagnetism of the Datong
monogenetic volcanoes in China: paleodirection and paleointensity during
the middle to early Brunhes Chron",
Earth Planets Space, 59, 727-746, 2007. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., Ishizuka O., Sudo M., and Uto K. "40Ar/39Ar ages and palaeomagnetism
of transitionally magnetized volcanic rocks in the Society Islands, French Polynesia:
Raiatea excursion in the upper-Gauss Chron",
Geophys. J. Int., 169, 41-59, 2007. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., Yamazaki T., Kanamatsu T., Ioka N., and Mishima T.
"Relative paleointensity stack during the last 250 kyr in the northwest Pacific",
J. Geophys. Res, 112, B01104, doi:10.1029/2006JB004477, 2007. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y. "Possible TCRM acquisition of the Kilauea 1960 lava,
Hawaii: failure of Thellier paleointensity determination inferred from equilibrium
temperature of the Fe-Ti oxide", Earth Planets Space, 58,
1033-1044, 2006. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., and Tsunakawa H. "Geomagnetic field intensity during the last 5 Myr:
LTD-DHT Shaw palaeointensities from volcanic rocks of the Society lslands,
French Polynesia", Geophys. J.Int., 162, 79-114, 2005. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., Tsunakawa, H., and Shibuya, H. "Palaeointensity study of
the Hawaiian 1960 lava:implications for possible causes
of erroneously high intensities", Geophys. J. Int.,
153, 263-276, 2003. [abstract]

Yamamoto Y., Shimura K., Tsunakawa H., Kogiso T., Uto K., Barsczus H.G., Oda H.,
Yamazaki T., and Kikawa E. "Geomagnetic paleosecular variation
for the past 5 Main the Society Islands,
French Polynesia", Earth Planets Space, 54, 797-802, 2002. [abstract]