

論文(査読付) 2011
  1. Domitsu, H., Uchida, J., Ogane, K., Dobuchi, N., Sato, T., Ikehara, M., Nishi, H., Hasegawa, S., and Oda, M., Stratigraphic relationships between the last occurrence of Neogloboquadrina inglei and marine isotope stages in the northwest Pacific, D/V Chikyu Expedition 902, Hole C9001C, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 44/2, 113-122, 2011. [IF: 1.143]
  2. Wehrmann, L. M., Risgaard-Petersen, N., Schrum, H. N., Walsh, E. A., Huh, Y., Ikehara, M., D’Hondt, S., Ferdelman, T. G., Ravelo, A. C., Takahashi, K., Zarikian, C. A., and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 Scientific Party, Coupled organic and inorganic carbon cycling in the deep subseafloor sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323), Chemical Geology, 284, 251-261, 2011. [IF: 3.518]
  3. Sagawa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Ikehara, M., and Kuwae, M., Vertical thermal structure history in the western subtropical North Pacific since the last glacial maximum, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.38,L00F02,doi:10.1029/2010GL045827, 2011. [IF: 3.792]
  4. Takahashi K., Ravelo A. C., Alvarez-Zarikian C. A., and IODP Expedition 323 Scientists (Ikehara, M.), IODP Expedition 323 Pliocene and Pleistocene paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea. Scientific Drilling, 11, 4-13, 2011. [IF:なし]
  5. Escutia, C., Brinkhuis, H., Klaus, A., and the IODP Expedition 318 Scientists (Iwai, M.), From Greenhous to Icehouse at the Wilkes Land Antarctic Margin, Scientific Drilling, v.12, p.15-23, 2011. [IF:なし]
  6. Hori, R.S., Yamakita, S., Ikehara, M., Kodama, K., Aita, Y., Sakai, T., Takemura, A., Kamata, Y., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, S., Sp?rli, K. B., and Grant-Mackie, J. A., Early Triassic (Induan) Radiolaria and carbon-isotope ratios of a deep-sea sequence from Waiheke Island, North Island, New Zealand, Paleoworld, 20, 166-178, 2011.
  7. Moriwaki, H., Suzuki, T., Murata, M., Ikehara, M., Machida, H., Lowe, D.J., Sakurajima-Satsuma (Sz-S) and Noike-Yumugi (N-Ym) tephras: New tephrochronological marker beds for the last deglaciation, southern Kyushu, Japan, Quaternary International, 246, 203-212, 2011. [IF: 1.874]



1.Hashimoto, Y., Tobin, H. J., Knuth, M., and Harada, A., Data report: Compressional and shear wave velocity measurements on sediments in the hanging wall and footwall of megasplay fault, NantroSEIZE Stage 1, Proceedings of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.314315316.217., 2011.?

2. Onodera, J., Okazaki, Y., Takahashi, K., Okamura, K., Murayama, M., Distribution of polycystine Radiolaria, Phaeodaria and Acantharia in the Kuroshio Current off Shikoku and Tosa Bay during Cruise KT07-19 in August 2007. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and Planetary Sciences 32, 39-61, 2011.

3. Sakaguchi, A., Kimura, G., Strasser, M., Screaton, J. E., Curewitz, D. and Murayama, M., Episodic seafloor mud brecciation due to great subduction zone earthquakes, Geology, 39, 919-922, 2011. [IF: 3.612]

4. Sakaguchi, A., Yokoyama, S., Hashimoto, Y., Yamada, T., Tanaka, A., Ujiie, K. and Yoshimura, N., Spatially fixed initial break point and fault-rock development in a landslide area, In Yamada Y. et al (Eds), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Series, Springer, 77-86, 2011.

5. Lin, W., S. Saito, Y. Sanada, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Hashimoto, and T. Kanamatsu, Principal horizontal stress orientations prior to the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake in its source area, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L00G10, doi:10.1029/2011GL049097, 2011. [IF: 3.792 ]

6. 吉川武憲,安藤寿男,香西 武,近藤康生,香川県まんのう地域に分布する上部白亜系和泉層群北縁相の自生?他生混在型カキ化石密集層,地質学雑誌,117,523-537, 2011.


  1. Fernando, A. G. S., Nishi, H., Tanabe, K., Moriya, K., Iba, Y., Kodama, K., Murphy, M. A., and Okada, H., Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic study of forearc basin sediments: Lower to Upper Cretaceous Budden Canyon Formation (Great Valley Group), northern California, USA, Island Arc, 20, 346-370, 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2011.00770.x, 2011. [IF: 1.012]
  2. Fujimori, K., Tsujimoto, K., Moriuchi-Kawakami, T., Shibutani, Y., Ueda, M., Suzue, T., Kimoto, H., Okamura, K., Determination of sulfide with acidic permanganate chemiluminescence for development of deep-sea in-situ analyzers, Analytical Sciences, 27 (2), pp. 183-186, 2011. [IF: 1.255]
  3. Kashiwabara, T., Takahashi, Y., Tanimizu, M., Usui, A., Molecular-scale mechanisms of distribution and isotopic fractionation of molybdenum between seawater and ferromanganese oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (19), 5762-5784, 2011. [IF: 4.259]
  4. Nitahara,S., Kato, S., Urabe, T., Usui, A., Yamagishi, A., Molecular characterization of the microbial community in hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts of the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount, northwest Pacific. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 321, 121-129, 2011. [IF: 2.044]
  5. Oda, H., Usui, A., Miyagi, I. et al., Ultrafine-scale magnetostratigraphy of marine ferromanganese, Geology, v.39 (3), p.227-228, 2011. [IF: 3.612]
  6. Provin, C., Fukuba, T., Okamura, K., Fujii, T., Detection of new hydrothermal sources using an in situ integrated analyzer for manganese (IISA-Mn). 2011 IEEE Symposium on Underwater Technology and Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies (pp. 1-5). IEEE. doi:10.1109/UT.2011.5774091, 2011.
  7. Abrajevitch, A., Hori, R. S. and Kodama, K.,Magnetization carriers and remagnetization of bedded chert, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 1-2, 135-142, 2011. [IF: 4.180]
  8. Abrajevitch, A. and Kodama, K.,Diagenetic sensitivity of paleoenvironmental proxies: a rock magnetic study of Australian continental margin sediments, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12, Q05Z24, 2011. [IF: 3.02]
  9. Hori, R. S., Yamakita, S., Ikehara, M., Kodama, K., Aita, Y., Sakai, T., Takemura, A., Kamata, Y., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, S., Sp?rli, K. B. and Grant-Mackie, J. A.,Early Triassic (Induan) Radiolaria and carbon-isotope ratios of a deep-sea sequence from Waiheke Island, North Island, New Zealand, Palaeoworld, 20, 2-3, 166-178, 2011.
  10. Oliva-Urcia, B., Casas, A. M., Soto, R., Villalaín, J. J. and Kodama, K.,A transtensional basin model for the Organyà basin (central southern Pyrenees) based on magnetic fabric and brittle structures, Geophysical Journal International, 184, 1, 111-130, 2011. [IF:2.42]
  11. Onodera, J., Okazaki, Y., Takahashi, K., Okamura, K. and Murayama, M.,Distribution of polycystine Radiolaria, Phaeodaria and Acantharia in the Kuroshio Current off Shikoku and Tosa Bay during Cruise KT07-19 in August 2007, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 32, 39-61, 2011.
  12. 野口拓郎, 岡村慶, 八田万有美, 紀本英志, 鈴江崇彦, 石橋純一郎, 山中寿朗, 藤井輝夫,現場型マンガン分析装置の小型軽量化と設置連続観測の実例,物理探査, 64(4), 291-297, 2011.


著書 2011
  1. Takahashi, K., Ravelo, A.C., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., and the Expedition 323 Scientists (including M. Ikehara). Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 323: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ iodp.proc.323.2011