
尋媶嬈愌 (Scientific contribution)

榑暥栚榐(publication list)(last update: Dec 24, 2014; H-index 13)

妛埵榑暥(Thesis study)

La-Ce isotope systematics of extra-terrestrial materials: its implication and relationship with REE differentiation

尨挊榑暥乮嵏撉桳乯(Peer-reviewed original papers)

  1. Isotopic constraints on biogeochemical cycling of copper in the ocean.
    S. Takano, M. Tanimizu, T. Hirata, and Y. Sohrin
    Nature Comm., 5, No.1663 (2014). Detail
  2. Hydrothermal carbonate chimneys from a continental rift (Afar Rift): mineralogy, geochemistry and mode of formation.
    V.M. Dekov, N.M. Egueh, G.D. Kamenov, G. Bayon, S.V. Lalonde, M. Schmidt, V. Liebetrau, F. Munnik, Y. Fouquet, M. Tanimizu, M.O. Awaleh, I. Guirreh, B. Le Gall
    Chem. Geol., 387, 87-100 (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.08.019
  3. Regional mantle heterogeneity regulates melt production along the Reunion hotspot-influenced Central Indian Ridge.
    S. Machida, Y. Orihashi, M. Magnani, N. Neo, S. Wilson, M. Tanimizu, S. Yoneda, A. Yasuda, K. Tamaki
    Geochem. J, 48, 433-449 (2014). doi: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0320 Detail
  4. Lead concentration and isotopic composition in the Pacific sclerosponge (Acanthochaetetes wellsi) reflects environmental lead pollution.
    Kazuto Ohmori, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Kotaro Shirai
    Geology, 42, 287-290 (2014). doi:10.1130/G34316.1 Detail
  5. Identification of sources of lead in the atmosphere by chemical speciation using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy.
    K. Sakata, A. Sakaguchi, M. Tanimizu, Y. Takaku, Y. Yokoyama, and Y. Takahashi
    J. Environ. Sci. 26, 343-352 (2014). Detail
  6. Elemental transport with fluid flow during regional metamorphism: geochemical evidence from the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan.
    M. Uno, H. Iwamori, H. Nakamura, T. Yokoyama, T. Ishikawa, and M. Tanimizu
    Geochem. J. 48, 29-49 (2014). doi:10.2343/geochemj.2.0283 Detail
  7. Difference in the stable isotopic fractionations of Ce, Nd, and Sm during adsorption on iron and manganese oxides and its interpretation based on their local structures.
    Ryoichi Nakada, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Yoshio Takahashi
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 121, 105-119 (2013). Detail
  8. Determination of ultra-low 236U/238U isotope ratios by tandem quadrupole ICP-MS/MS.
    Masaharu Tanimizu; Naoki Sugiyama, Emmanuel Ponzevera, and Germain Bayon
    J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 28, 1372-1376 (2013). DOI:10.1039/C3JA50145K Detail
  9. Determination of Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Cu in Seawater by Multi-collector ICP-MS after Pre-concentration Using an Ethylenediaminetriacetic Acid Chelating Resin.
    Shotaro Takano, Masaharu Tanimizu, Takafumi Hirata, and Yoshiki Sohrin
    Anal. Chim. Acta., 784, 33-41 (2013). Detail
  10. Isotopic and speciation study on cerium during its solid-water distribution with implication for Ce stable isotope as a paleo-redox proxy.
    Ryoichi Nakada, Yoshio Takahashi, and Masaharu Tanimizu
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 103, 49-62 (2013). Detail
  11. Comparison of antimony and arsenic behavior in an Ichinokawa river water-sediment system.
    S. Asaoka, Y. Takahashi, Y. Araki, and M. Tanimizu
    Chem. Geol., 334, 1-8 (2012). Detail
  12. Strontium isotopic ages of the Torinosu-type limestones (latest Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous, Japan): Implication for biocalcification event in north western Palaeo-Pacific.
    Y. Kakizaki, T. Ishikawa, K. Nagaishi, M. Tanimizu, T. Hasegawa, and A. Kano
    J. Asian Earth Sci., 46, 140-149 (2012). Detail
  13. Mg isotope fractionation in biogenic carbonates of deep-sea coral, benthic foraminifera and hermatypic coral.
    T. Yoshimura, M. Tanimizu, M. Inoue, A. Suzuki, N. Iwasaki, and H. Kawahata
    Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 401, 2755-2769 (2011). Detail
  14. Molecular-scale mechanisms of distribution and isotopic fractionation of molybdenum between seawater and ferromanganese oxides.
    Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Yoshio Takahashi, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Akira Usui
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 5762-5784 (2011). Detail
  15. Lead isotopic record of Barremian-Aptian marine sediments: Implications for large igneous provinces and the Aptian climatic crisis.
    J. Kuroda, M. Tanimizu, R. S. Hori, K. Suzuki, N. O. Ogawa, M. L. Tejada, M. F. Coffin, R. Coccioni, E. Erba, and N. Ohkouchi
    Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 307, 126-134 (2011). Detail
  16. Preconcentration method of antimony using modified thiol cotton fiber for isotopic analyses of antimony in natural samples.
    Satoshi Asaoka, Yoshio Takahashi, Yusuke Araki, and Masaharu Tanimizu
    Anal. Sci., 27, 25-28 (2011).
  17. Determination of natural isotopic variation in antimony using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for an uncertainty estimation of the standard atomic weight of antimony.
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Yusuke Araki, Satoshi Asaoka, and Yoshio Takahashi
    Geochem. J., 45, 27-31 (2011). Detail
  18. A specific Ce oxidation process during sorption of rare earth elements on biogenic Mn oxide produced by Acremonium sp. strain KR21-2.
    K. Tanaka, Y. Tani, Y. Takahashi, M. Tanimizu, Y. Suzuki, N. Kozai, and T. Ohnuki
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 5463-5477 (2010).
  19. Lithium and strontium isotopic systematics of waters around Ontake volcano, Japan: Implications for deep-seated fluids and earthquake swarms.
    Y. Nishio, K. Okamura, M. Tanimizu, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Sano
    Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 297, 567-576 (2010).
  20. A XAFS study on the mechanism of isotopic fractionation of molybdenum during its adsorption on ferromanganese oxides
    Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Yoshio Takahashi, and Masaharu Tanimizu
    Geochem. J., 43, e31-e36 (2009).
  21. Estimation of temperature rise in a shallow slip zone of the megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough.
    T. Hirono, K. Ujiie, T. Ishikawa, T. Mishima, Y. Hamada, M. Tanimizu, W. Soh, M. Kinoshita
    Tectonophys., 478, 215-220 (2009).
  22. Coseismic high-temperature fluid-rock interactions within the Taiwan Chelungpu fault
    T. Ishikawa, M. Tanimizu, K. Nagaishi, J. Matsuoka, O. Tadai, M. Sakaguchi, T. Hirono, T. Mishima, W. Tanikawa, W. Lin, H. Kikuta, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song
    Nature Geoscience, 1, 679-683 (2008).
  23. Anthropogenic lead inputs to the western Pacific during the 20th century
    Mayuri Inoue and Masaharu Tanimizu
    Sci. Total Environ., 406, 123-130 (2008). Detail
  24. Clay mineral reactions caused by frictional heating during an earthquake: An example from the Taiwan Chelungpu fault
    Hirono, T., Fujimoto, K., Yokoyama, T., Hamada, Y., Tanikawa, W., Tadai, O., Mishima, T., M. Tanimizu, Lin, W., Soh, W., and Song, S.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L16303 (2008).
  25. Determination of Mg isotopic composition of seawater with rapid Mg purification
    Masaharu Tanimizu
    J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., Supp6, 51-54 (2008). Detail
  26. Oxidation States of Antimony and Arsenic in Marine Ferromanganese Oxides Related to Their Fractionation in Oxic Marine Environment
    T. Kashiwabara, S. Mistunobu, A. Das, T. Itai, M. Tanimizu, and Y. Takahashi
    Chem. Lett., 37, 756-757 (2008).
  27. Characteristics of chlorites in seismogenic fault zones: the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) core sample
    Y. Hashimoto, O. Tadai, M. Tanimizu, W. Tanikawa, T. Hirono, W. Lin, T. Mishima, M. Sakaguchi, W. Soh, S. R. Song, K. Aoike, T. Ishikawa, M. Murayama, K. Fujimoto, T. Fukuchi, M. Ikehara, H. Ito, H. Kikuta, M. Kinoshita, K. Masuda, T. Matsubara, O. Matsubayashi, K. Mizoguchi, N. Nakamura, K. Otsuki, T. Shimamoto, H. Sone, and M. Takahashi
    eEarth, 3, 1-6 (2008).
  28. Characterization of slip zone associated with the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: X-ray CT image analyses and microstructural observations of the Taiwan Chelungpu fault
    T. Hirono, M. Sakaguchi, K. Otsuki, H. Sone, K. Fujimoto, T. Mishima, W. Lin, W. Tanikawa, M. Tanimizu, W. Soh, E.-C. Yeh and S.-R. Song
    Tectonophysics, 449, 63-84 (2008).
  29. Low total and inorganic carbon contents within the Taiwan Chelungpu fault system
    M. Ikehara, T. Hirono, O. Tadai, M. Sakaguchi, H. Kikuta, T. Fukuchi, T. Mishima, N. Nakamura, K. Aoike, K. Fujimoto, Y. Hashimoto, T. Ishikawa, H. Ito, M. Kinoshita, W. Lin, K. Masuda, T. Matsubara, O. Matsubayashi, K. Mizoguchi, M. Murayama, K. Otsuki, H. Sone, M. Takahashi, W. Tanikawa, M. Tanimizu, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song
    Geochem. J., 41, 391-396 (2007).
  30. A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake
    T. Hirono, T. Yokoyama, Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, T. Mishima, M. Ikehara, V. Famin, M. Tanimizu, W. Lin, W. Soh, and S. Song
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L19308 (2007).
  31. Spectroscopic study on the anion exchange behavior of Cu chloro-complexes in HCl solutions and its implication to Cu isotopic fractionation
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Yoshio Takahashi, and Masaharu Nomura
    Geochem. J. 41, 291-295 (2007).
  32. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of interstitial fluid within the Taiwan Chelungpu fault
    Tetsuro Hirono, Urumu Tsunogai, Kenji Maegawa, Tomohiro Toki, Masaharu Tanimizu, Wonn Soh, Weiren Lin, En-Chao Yeh, Sheng-Rong Song, and Chien-Ying Wang
    Geochem. J. 41, 97-102 (2007).
  33. Contemporaneous massive subaerial volcanism and Late Cretaceous oceanic anoxic event 2
    Junichiro Kuroda, Nanako O. Ogawa, Masaharu Tanimizu, Millard F. Coffin, Hidekazu Tokuyama, Hiroshi Kitazato, and Naohiko Ohkouchi
    Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 256, 211-223 (2007).
  34. Determination of natural isotopic variation in nickel using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Takafumi Hirata
    J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 21, 1423-1426 (2006).!divAbstract
  35. Development of rapid and precise Pb isotope analytical techniques using MC-ICP-MS and new results for GSJ rock reference samples
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Tsuyoshi Ishikawa
    Geochem. J. 40, 121-133 (2006). Detail
  36. 崅抦導恗梽懞偵暘晍偡傞捁憙愇奃娾偺僗僩儘儞僠僂儉摨埵懱擭戙
    敀愇巎恖, 憗嶁峃棽, 崅嫶壝晇, 扟悈夒帯, 愇愳崉巙, 徏壀弤, 懞嶳夒巎, 庪栰彶岹
    抧幙妛嶨帍 111, 610-623 (2005).
  37. Origin of negative Ce anomalies in Barberton sedimentary rocks deduced from La-Ce and Sm-Nd isotope systematics
    Takamasa Hayashi, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Tsuyoshi Tanaka
    Precambrian Res. 135, 345-357 (2004).
  38. Development of Ce isotope analysis for cosmochemistry using the dynamic multicollector technique
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Takamasa Hayashi, and Tsuyoshi Tanaka
    J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. 52, 177-181 (2004). Detail
  39. ICP幙検暘愅寁偵傛傞抧媴壢妛帋椏拞偺旝検尦慺暘愅 -儗乕僓乕傾僽儗乕僔儑儞朄偵傛傞崅惛搙暘愅傪栚巜偟偰-
    Improvements in the precision and accuracy of elemental and isotopic analyses of geochemical samples by a laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometer
    暯揷妜巎, 愺揷梲堦, Tunheng Apinya, 戝栰崉, 斞捤婤, 憗栰桼旤巕, 扟悈夒帯, 愜嫶桾擇
    暘愅壔妛 53, 491-502 (2004).
  40. Absolute isotopic composition and atomic weight of commercial zinc using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Yoichi Asada, and Takafumi Hirata
    Anal. Chem. 74, 5814-5819 (2002). Detail
  41. Coupled Ce-Nd isotope systematics and rare earth elements differentiation of the moon
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Tsuyoshi Tanaka
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 4007-4014 (2002).
  42. Ce-Nd-Sr isotope systematics of eucrites and lunar rocks
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Tsuyoshi Tanaka
    in Origin of Elements in the Solar System, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 555-572 (2001).
  43. Geophysical determination of the 138La β - decay constant
    Masaharu Tanimizu
    Physical Review C 62, 017601 (2000). Detail
  44. JNdi-1: A neodymium isotopic reference in consistency with LaJolla neodymium丂
    T. Tanaka, S. Togashi, H. Kamioka, H. Amakawa, H. Kagami, T. Hamamoto, M. Yuhara, Y. Orihashi, S. Yoneda, H. Shimizu, T. Kunimaru, K. Takahashi, T. Yanagi, T. Nakano, H. Fujimaki, R. Shinjyo, Y. Asahara, M. Tanimizu and C. Dragusanu
    Chemical Geology 168, 279-281 (2000). Detail
  45. 垽抦導朙揷巗杒搶晹偺椞壠壴浖娾抧堟偺抧媴壔妛恾
    嶳杮峾巙丆揷拞崉丆愳曈娾晇丆娾怷岝丆暯尨桋戝丆愺尨椙峗丆嬥汋娍丆Chris Richardson丆埳摗婱惙丆Cristian Dragusanu丆嶰塝揟巕丆惵栘峗丆懢揷廩峆丆嶅尨抭峃丆扟悈夒帯丆悈扟壝堦丆媨塱捈悷丆懞嶳惓庽丆愬揷検巕丆崅桍岾墰丆堜忋桾夘丆愳嶈孾夘丆崅栘恀棟丆崻晍屽巙
    抧幙妛嶨帍 104, 688-704 (1998).
  46. A variety of 143Nd/144Nd ratios among six high purity neodymium oxide reagents
    T. Tanaka, M. Tanimizu, Y. Asahara, C. Yonezawa, S. Togashi and H. Kamioka
    Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 44, 79-83 (1996).
  47. 垽抦導悾屗巗廃曈偵偍偗傞壨愳懲愊暔拞偺尦慺暘晍偲抧寳娐嫬昡壙偺帋傒
    抧媴壔妛 29, 113-125 (1995).

尨挊榑暥乮弨旛拞乯(Original papers in preparation)

  1. Climate reconstruction based on ITCZ and SST variations in the tropical South Pacific during the Termination I (15 - 9 ka)
    M. Inoue, Y. Yokoyama, M. Tanimizu, A. Suzuki, T. Okai, H. Kawahata
    in preparation.
  2. Cerium stable isotope ratios in natural ferromanganese deposits and their potential as a paleo-redox proxy.
    R. Nakada, M. Tanimizu, and Y. Takahashi
    Geology, to be re-submitted.
  3. Origin of lithium in submarine mud volcano fluid in Nankai accretionary wedge.
    Y. Nishio, A. Ijiri, T. Toki, Y. Morono, M. Tanimizu, K. Nagaishi, and F. Inagaki
    to be submitted to EPSL.
  4. Strontium isotopic composition of pore water of shelf cores from IODP Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
    Yoshimura, Kawahata, Tanimizu, George, Lipp, Claypool
    Marine Geology, to be re-submitted
  5. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions of hemipelagic sediment in the Shikoku Basin: implications for the late Cenozoic Kuroshio transport of sediments and acceleration of the Philippine Sea plate subduction
    Y. Saitoh, T. Ishikawa, M. Tanimizu, M. Murayama, Y. Ujiie, Y. Yamamoto, K. Ujiie, and T. Kanamatsu
    to be submitted to EPSL.

尨挊榑暥乮嵏撉柍乯(Non-refereed original papers)

  1. Oxidation states of arsenic in pyrites
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Yoshio Takahashi, Yuichi Morishita, and Nobutaka Shimada
    Photon Factory Activity Report 2008 #26 Part B, submitted (2009).
  2. Multiple eruptions of the Ontong Java Plateau as a trigger of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event-1a
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, A708 (2009).
  3. Natural isotopic variation of europium among geological samples
    H. TANAKA1*, S. WAKAKI2, M. Tanimizu, AND T. TANAKA1Y
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, A1310 (2009).
  4. Tungsten isotopic composition in terrestrial rock samples: Constraint on the homogenization of the Hf-W system after the giant impact event
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, A1307 (2009).
  5. Antimony isotopic fractionation during adsorption on ferrihydrite
    Yusuke Araki, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Yoshio Takahashi
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, A49 (2009).
  6. A XAFS study on the anion exchange behavior of Cu-Cl Complexes in HCl solutions
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Yoshio Takahashi
    Photon Factory Activity Report 2007 #25 Part B, 7 (2008).
  7. 懡廳専弌宆ICP幙検暘愅寁傪梡偄偨JCp-1偺墧摨埵懱斾暘愅
    戞俇夞摨埵懱壢妛尋媶夛梫巪廤 60-63 (2008).
  8. X慄媧廂旝嵶峔憿朄傪梡偄偨僸慺媦傃傾儞僠儌儞偺悈-搚忞宯偱偺嫇摦偵娭偡傞尋媶
    Photon Factory News, 25(4), 23-28 (2008).
  9. 擇廳廂懇懡廳専弌宆ICP幙検暘愅寁偺惛搙偲妋搙 乣昞柺揹棧幙検暘愅寁偲偺斾妑乣
    僾儔僘儅暘岝暘愅尋媶夛戞71夞島墘夛島墘梫巪廤, 45-52 (2007).
  10. Determination of magnesium isotopic variation and fractionation in carbonate minerals
    Masaharu Tanimizu
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, A1002 (2007).
  11. Spatial and temporal variation of anthropogenic lead inputs to the western Pacific
    Mayuri Inoue and Masaharu Tanimizu
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, A429 (2007).
  12. Elemental and isotopic fractionation in some organs of bamboo
    Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Shigeyuki Wakaki, Masaharu Tanimizu, and Yoshihiro Asahara
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, A999 (2007).
  13. Determination of lead isotopic ratios in ferromanganese crust by using MC-ICP-MS and NanoSIMS
    Yuichiro Takata, Masaharu Tanimizu, Naoto Takahata, Hiroshi Amakawa, and Yuji Sano
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, A996 (2007).
  14. Challenge on 48Ca enrichment for CANDLES double beta decay experiment
    R. Hazama, Y. Tatewaki, T. Kishimoto, K. Matsuoka, N. Endo, K. Kume, Y. Shibahara, and M. Tanimizu
    Proceedings of the 6th Rencontres du Vietnam (2007?).
  15. Determination of precise nickel isotopic composition and natural nickel isotopic variation by ICP-MS
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Takafumi Hirata
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, A636 (2006).
  16. An evaluation of a new multiple-collector inductively couple plasma mass spectrometer and its potential performance
    Masaharu Tanimizu
    IFREE Report 2003-2004 (2005, in press).
  17. 嵅夑導拞尨堚愓偐傜弌搚偟偨摨孃偺墧摨埵懱斾
    梽愳撧弿巕, 搉曈抭宐旤, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    嵅夑導嫵堢挕曬崘彂 (2005).
  18. 暉壀導摪敤堚愓偐傜弌搚偟偨惵摵曅偺墧摨埵懱斾
    梽愳撧弿巕, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    尦嫽帥暥壔嵿尋媶強曬崘彂 (2005).
  19. 晉嶳導斅壆扟撪屆暛偐傜弌搚偟偨庫暥嬀偺墧摨埵懱斾
    梽愳撧弿巕, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    尦嫽帥暥壔嵿尋媶強曬崘彂 (2005).
  20. 搰崻導偐傢傜偗扟屆暛偐傜弌搚偟偨嬥摵憃棿摢戝搧忺傝偺墧摨埵懱斾
    嵵摗旤撧巕, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    搰崻導屆戙暥壔僙儞僞乕曬崘彂 (2004).
  21. 壀嶳導媨僲忋屆暛偐傜弌搚偟偨惵摵嬀(撪峴壴暥嬀丄廱懷嬀)偺墧摨埵懱斾
    嵵摗旤撧巕, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    壀嶳導屆戙媑旛暥壔僙儞僞乕曬崘彂 (2004).
  22. 暉壀導媑晲堚愓孮偐傜弌搚偟偨惵摵婍偺帺慠壢妛揑尋媶
    梽愳撧弿巕, 扟悈夒帯, 憗愳峃峅, 楅栘峗巕, 暯旜椙岝
    尦嫽帥暥壔嵿尋媶強曬崘彂 (2004).
  23. 孎杮導嬍柤巗偱弌搚偟偨惵摵惢昳偺帺慠壢妛揑尋媶
    梽愳撧弿巕, 扟悈夒帯, 暯旜椙岝
    孎杮導嫵堢挕曬崘彂 (2004).
  24. An investigation for isotopic discrimination effect during ICP ionization (abstract)
    M. Tanimizu, Y. Asada, and T. Hirata
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67, A476 (2003).
  25. Ce and Nd isotopic geochemistry of Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Constraint on early Aechean mantle and origin of Ce anomaly (abstract)
    T. Hayashi, M. Tanimizu, and T. Tanaka
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67, A141 (2003).
  26. Isotope diluted neutron activation analysis (ID-NAA) for quantitative analysis of PGEs and Re (abstract)
    T. Tanaka, R. Senda, S. Shibata, M. Minami, and M. Tanimizu
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A763 (2002).
  27. La-Ce isotope systematics of extra-terrestrial materials:
    its implication and relationship with REE differentiation (Summary of Thesis study)
    抧媴壔妛 36, 148 (2002).
  28. 抧媴壔妛恾嶌惉傪栚揑偲偡傞壨愳懲愊暔偺懡帋椏懡尦慺暘愅(2) -奀梞懲愊暔偺Porcellanite壔嶌梡偵敽偆壔妛尦慺偺暘暿
    Multielement analysis in stream sediments by INAA for geoenvironmental assessment -chemical fractionation in oceanic sediment during porcellanitization-
    棫嫵戝妛尨巕楩棙梡嫟摨尋媶惉壥曬崘彂 暯惉11擭搙, 32-40 (2002)
    Annual Report of the Inter-University Program for the Joint Use of Rikkyo University Reactor.
  29. La-Ce decay system of the eucrite Millbillillie (abstract)
    Masaharu Tanimizu and Tsuyoshi Tanaka
    Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, #1181, Lunar Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, USA (CD-ROM) (1999).
  30. 抧媴壔妛恾偵傛傞抧寳娐嫬昡壙偺偙偙傠傒
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  31. Geochemical mapping of the northern area of Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Central Japan: Distinct chemical characteristics of stream sediments between granitic and sedimentary rock areas
    T. Tanaka, I. Kawabe, K. Yamamoto, H. Iwamori, Y. Hirahara, K. Mimura, Y. Asahara, M. Minami, T. Ito, C. Dragusanu, N. Miura, H. Aoki, A. Ohta, K. Togami, T. Toriumi, Y. Matsumura, T. Sakakibara, M. Tanimizu, Y. Mizutani, N. Miyanaga, M. Murayama and Y. Takayanagi
    The Journal of Earth and Planetary Sciences Nagoya University 43, 27-47 (1996).

憤愢丒偦偺懠(Review and Others)

  1. 埨掕摨埵懱斾偲壔妛庬夝愅偵婎偯偔怴偟偄婓搚椶尦慺抧媴壔妛
    拞揷椇堦, 扟悈夒帯, 崅嫶壝晇
    壔妛岺嬈 64 671-677 (2013).
  2. Age dating of calcium carbonates using U-Th ratio by ICP-MS/MS
    Masaharu Tanimizu
    Imaging&Microscopy, by Laboratorytalk, in press. Detail
  3. Heavy element stable isotope ratios: analytical approaches and applications (invited review)
    Masaharu Tanimizu, Yoshiki Sohrin, and Takafumi Hirata
    Anal. Bioanal. Chemistry 405, 2771-2783 (2013). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-013-6728-1
  4. 扽巁僇儖僔僂儉偺Ca,Mg埨掕摨埵懱暘暿
    媑懞庻峢, 扟悈夒帯
    抧媴壔妛 46 33-49 (20122).
  5. ICP幙検暘愅朄傪梡偄偨廳尦慺埨掕摨埵懱斾偺惛枾應掕偵傛傞抧媴壔妛偺怴揥奐 (埶棅尨峞)
    抧媴壔妛 45, 129-145 (2011).
  6. 摨埵懱婓庍暘愅朄丂乣昞柺揹棧幙検暘愅朄偺棙梡乣 (埶棅尨峞)
    傇傫偣偒 2005擭7寧崋, 393-396 (2005).
  7. 暯惉16擭搙崙嵺妛夛摍攈尛帠嬈彆惉曬崘彂
    擔杮妛弍怳嫽夛 暯惉16擭搙 (2005).
  8. 彫摿廤乽僾儔僘儅傪梡偄偨挻崅姶搙尦慺暘愅乿戞6復 曻幩惈妀庬偺夡曄傪棙梡偟偨娾愇帋椏偺擭戙應掕 乮埶棅尨峞乯
    Age Determination of Meteorites Using Radioactive Nuclides
    扟悈夒帯(Masaharu Tanimizu)
    僾儔僘儅丒妀梈崌妛夛帍(Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research) 78, 653-658 (2002).
  9. 瑕愇拞偺慡僋儘儉摨埵懱懚嵼搙偺曄摦偐傜傒偨懢梲宯宍惉夁掱偵偍偗傞暔幙恑壔偺尋媶
    擔杮妛弍怳嫽夛摿暿尋媶堳尋媶曬崘彂 暯惉13擭搙-暯惉15擭搙.
  10. ICP幙検暘愅寁偲昞柺揹棧宆幙検暘愅寁偵傛傞揤慠帋椏偺摨埵懱斾妑暘愅
    揷拞崉, 扟悈夒帯, 憹郪晀峴
    柤屆壆戝妛戝婥悈寳壢妛尋媶強 嫟摨尋媶曬崘彂 暯惉12擭搙, 106-109 (2001).
  11. 僱僆僕儉摨埵懱斾偺崅惛搙暘愅傪傔偞偟偨昗弨暔幙JNdi-1偺嶌惉乛攝晍偵偮偄偰
    揷拞崉, 愺尨椙峗, 扟悈夒帯
    柤屆壆戝妛戝婥悈寳壢妛尋媶強 暯惉11擭搙尋媶廤夛乽戝婥悈寳壢妛偵偍偗傞崅姶搙尦慺寁應偲崅惛搙摨埵懱斾寁應偺壜擻惈乿曬崘彂 暯惉12擭3寧, 12-16 (2000).
  12. 138La-138Ce曻幩夡曄宯傪梡偄偨寧帋椏拞偺僙儕僂儉懚嵼搙堎忢偺尋媶
    揷拞崉, 扟悈夒帯
    憅揷彠椼嬥尋媶曬崘 30, 34-35 (2000).
  13. 僙儕僂儉摨埵懱斾偵傛傞僙儕僂儉懚嵼搙堎忢傪傕偮暔幙偺擭戙應掕偍傛傃惗惉娐嫬偺悇掕
    擔杮妛弍怳嫽夛摿暿尋媶堳尋媶曬崘彂 暯惉10擭搙-暯惉12擭搙.
  14. 嵿抍朄恖 塅拡壢妛怳嫽夛 暯惉10擭搙崙嵺尋媶廤夛(奀奜)嶲壛旓梡曗彆 幚巤曬崘彂 (1999)


  1. 抧妅棳懱偺敪惗偲堏摦偺僟僀僫儈僋僗
    暯惉21擭搙 怴妛弍椞堟尋媶乮尋媶椞堟採埬宆乯 尋媶戙昞 娾怷岝
  2. 抐憌塣摦帪偺娫寗悈埑忋徃偵敽偆尦慺偺堏摦婡峔偺棟夝
    暯惉21擭搙 庒庤尋媶B 尋媶戙昞 扟悈夒帯
  3. 傾儞僠儌儞摨埵懱斾偵婎偯偔僶儞僌儔僨僔儏偺抧壓悈僸慺墭愼偺婲尮夝柧
    暯惉20擭搙抧媴娐嫬尋媶憤崌悇恑旓(RF-084) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  4. 壩惉娾拞偺嬌旝検Eu偺暘岝寀岝XAFS朄偵傛傞壙悢寛掕傪棙梡偟偨儅僌儅暘壔丒恑壔夁掱偺夝柧
    SPring-8棙梡尋媶壽戣(2008A1257) 尋媶戙昞 扟悈夒帯
  5. 抐憌懷偺孈嶍僐傾帋椏傪棙梡偟偨抐憌塣摦偲摨婜偟偨尦慺偺堏摦婡峔偺棟夝
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2007G663) 尋媶戙昞 扟悈夒帯
  6. 僋儔僂儞僄乕僥儖丒儅僀僋儘僠僢僾壔妛僾儔儞僩偵傛傞擇廳儀乕僞曵夡摨埵尦慺擹弅
    暯惉19擭搙 婎斦尋媶C 尋媶戙昞 敗棽懢
  7. 懲愊娾偺墧摨埵懱斾偐傜傒傞敀垷婭奀梞柍巁慺帠曄偺娐嫬曄摦巎
    奀梞尋媶奐敪婡峔 戞5夞尋媶奐敪懀恑傾僂僅乕僪 尋媶戙昞 崟揷弫堦榊
  8. 悈寳偱偺僶僋僥儕傾妶摦偺巜昗偲側傞廳婓搚椶尦慺偺擹弅儊僇僯僘儉偺夝柧
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2006G347) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  9. 婓搚椶尦慺偺埨掕摨埵懱暘暿偲曻幩婲尮摨埵懱曄摦偵傛傞抧媴壔妛僒僀僋儖偺尋媶
    暯惉18擭搙 婎斦尋媶A 尋媶戙昞 揷拞崉
  10. XANES朄傪梡偄偨僄傾儘僝儖拞偺僀僆僂偺僗儁僔僄乕僔儑儞
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2006G116) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  11. 巁壔娨尦忬懺偑堎側傞儅僌儅傊偺僀僆僂偺梟夝搙偲僀僆僂偺壔妛忬懺偺娭學
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2004G119) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  12. 悈揷搚忞偺巁壔娨尦娐嫬偺曄壔偵敽偆桳奞尦慺偺梟弌嫇摦偺婡峔
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2002G243) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  13. XAFS朄偵傛傞娾愇拞偺僀僆僂偺忬懺暘愅朄偺妋棫偲抧媴壔妛帋椏傊偺墳梡
    暔幙峔憿壢妛尋媶強曻幩岝嫟摨棙梡(2002G244) 尋媶戙昞 崅嫶壝晇
  14. 儔儞僞儞乕僙儕僂儉丄僒儅儕僂儉乕僱僆僕儉曻幩夡曄宯偵傛傞愭懢梲宯愨懳擭戙偺尋媶
    暯惉13擭搙 婎斦尋媶S 尋媶戙昞 揷拞崉




