


A: Original Papers (peer-reviewed) ■

[in press]


[A95] McKay, R., Exon, N., Müller, D., Gohl, K., Gurnis, M., Shevenell, A., Henrys, S., Inagaki, F., Pandey, D., Whiteside, J., van de Flierdt, T., Naish, T., Heuer, V., Morono, Y., Coffin, M., Godard, M., Wallace, L., Kodaira, S., Bijl, P., Collot, J., Dickens, G., Dugan, B., Dunlea, A. G., Hackney, R., Ikehara, M., Jutzeler, M., McNeill, L., Naik, S., Noble, T., Opdyke, B., Pecher, I., Stott, L., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Vadakkeykath, Y., and Wortmann, U. G.: Developing community-based scientific priorities and new drilling proposals in the southern Indian and southwestern Pacific oceans, Scientific Drilling, 24, 61-70, https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-24-61-2018, 2018.

[A94] Ikeda, M., Hori, R.S., Ikehara, M., Miyashita, R., Chino, M., Yamada, K., Carbon cycle dynamics linked with Karoo-Ferrar volcanism and astronomical cycles during Pliensbachian-Toarcian (Early Jurassic), Global and Planetary Change, 170, 163-171. doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.08.012

[A93] Ijiri, A., Inagaki, F., Kubo, Y., Adhikari, R. R., Hattori, S., Hoshino, T., Imachi, H., Kawagucci, S., Morono, Y., Ohtomo, Y., Ono, S., Sakai, S., Takai, K., Toki, T., Wang, D. T., Yoshinaga, M. Y., Arnold, G. L., Ashi, J., Case, D. H., Feseker, T., Hinrichs, K.-U., Ikegawa, Y., Ikehara, M., Kallmeyer, J., Kumagai, H., Lever, M. A., Morita, S., Nakamura, K.-i., Nakamura, Y., Nishizawa, M., Orphan, V. J., R?y, H., Schmidt, F., Tani, A., Tanikawa, W., Terada, T., Tomaru, H., Tsuji, T., Tsunogai, U., Yamaguchi, Y. T., and Yoshida, N., Deep-biosphere methane production stimulated by geofluids in the Nankai accretionary complex: Science Advances, v. 4, no. 6., DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao4631, 2018.

[A92] Ji-Eun Kim, Boo-Keun Khim, Minoru Ikehara, Jongmin Lee, Orbital-scale denitrification changes in the Eastern Arabian Sea during the last 800 kyrs, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25415-7, 2018.


[A91] Sunghan Kim, Boo-Keun Khim, Minoru Ikehara, Kozo Takahashi, Relationship between d15N values of bulk sediments and total organic carbon concentration in response to orbital-scale biogenic opal production in the Bering slope area over the last 600 kyrs, Quaternary International, 459, 144-152, 2017. doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.041

[A90] Yasukawa, K., Nakamura, K., Fujinaga, K., Ikehara, M., Kato, Y., Earth system feedback statistically extracted from the Indian Ocean deep-sea sediments recording Eocene hyperthermals, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-11470-z, 2017.

[A89] Hiroki Matsui, Hiroshi Nishi, Azumi Kuroyanagi, Hiroki Hayashi, Minoru Ikehara, Reishi Takashima, Vertical thermal gradient history in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the early to middle Miocene: implication for the equatorial thermocline development, Paleoceanography, DOI: 10.1002/2016PA003058, 2017.


[A88] Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Ikehara, M., Obrochta, S., Sedimentary environmental change induced from late Quaternary sea-level change in the Bonaparte Gulf, northwestern Australia, Geoscience Letters, 3: 33. DOI:10.1186/s40562-016-0065-0, 2016.

[A87] Kaneki, S., Hirono, T., Mukoyoshi, H., Sampei, Y., Ikehara, M., Organochemical characteristics of carbonaceous materials as indicators of heat recorded on an ancient plate-subduction fault, G-cubed, DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006368, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 2855-2868, doi:10.1002/2016GC006368, 2016.

[A86] Onoue, T., Sato, H., Yamashita, D., Ikehara, M., Yasukawa, K., Fujinaga, K., Kato, Y., Matsuoka, A., Bolide impact triggered the Late Triassic extinction event in equatorial Panthalassa, Scientific Reports, 6, doi:10.1038/srep29609, 2016.

[A85] Matsui, H., Nishi, H., Takashima, R., Kuroyanagi, A., Ikheara, M., Takayanagi, H., Iryu, Y., Changes in the depth habitat of the Oligocene planktic foraminifera (Dentoglobigerina venezuelana) induced by thermocline deepening in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Paleoceanography, 31, 2016PA002950, 2016.

[A84] Ken’ichi Ohkushi, Naoki Hara, Minoru Ikehara, Masao Uchida, Naokazu Ahagon, Intensification of North Pacific intermediate water ventilation during the Younger Dryas, Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-016-0450-x, 2016.

[A83] Shinozaki, T., Sawai, Y., Hara, J., Ikehara, M., Matsumoto, D., Tanigawa, K., Geochemical characteristics of deposits from the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Hasunuma, Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan, Island Arc, 25, 350-368, 2016.

[A82] E. Barlow, M. J. Van Kranendonk, K. E. Yamaguchi, M. Ikehara, A. Lepland, Lithostratigraphic analysis of a new stromatolite-thrombolite reef from across the rise of atmospheric oxygen in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group, Western Australia, Geobiology, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12175, 2016.

[A81] Iwatani, H., Kondo, Y., Irizuki, T., Iwai, M., Ikehara, M., Orbital obliquity cycles recorded in Kuroshio Current region, eastern Asia, around PlioePleistocene boundary, Quaternary Science Reviews, 140, 67-74, 2016.

[A80] Nakamura, A., Yokoyama, Y., Maemoku, H., Yagi, H., Okamura, M., Matsuoka, H., Miyake, N., Osada, T.,? Adhikari, D. P., Dangol, V., Ikehara, M., Miyairi, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Weak monsoon event at 4.2 ka recorded in sediment from Lake Rara, Himalayas, Quaternary International, 397, 349-359, 2016.

[A79] Ishiwa, T., Miyairi, Y., Obrochta, S., Sasaki, T., Kitamura, A., Suzuki, A., Ikehara, M., Ikehara, K., Kimoto, K., Bourget, J., Matsuzaki, H., Reappraisal of sea-level lowstand during the Last Glacial Maximum observed in the Bonaparte Gulf sediments, northwestern Australia, Quaternary International, 397, 373-379, 2016.


[A78] Kameda, J., Harris, R.N., Shimizu, M., Ujiie, K., Tsutsumi, A., Ikehara, M., Uno, M., Yamaguchi, A., Hamada, Y., Namiki, Y., Kimura, G., Hydrogeological responses to incoming materials at the erosional subduction margin, offshore Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 2725–2742, doi:10.1002/2015GC005837. 2015.

[A77] 岡田有希、掘利栄、池田昌之、池原実、パンサラッサ海深海堆積物における三畳系ージュラ系境界層の地球化学的検討、大阪微化石研究会誌、特別号、15, 219-232, 2015.

[A76] Sakata, K., Yabuta, H., Ikehara, M., and Kondo, T., 2015. Data report: carbon content and isotopic composition of basalts and sediments in North Pond, Expedition 336. In Edwards, K.J., Bach, W., Klaus, A., and the Expedition 336 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 336: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.336.203.2015.

[A75] Asahi, H., Y. Okazaki, M. Ikehara, B.-K. Khim, S.-I. Nam, and K. Takahashi, Seasonal variability of δ18O and δ13C of planktic foraminifera in the Bering Sea and central subarctic Pacific during 1990–2000, Paleoceanography, 30, doi:10.1002/2015PA002801, 2015.

[A74] Horikawa, K., Martin, E.E., Basak, C., Onodera, J., Seki, O., Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Sakai, S., Kawamura, K., Pliocene cooling enhanced by flow of low-salinity Bering Sea water to the Arctic Ocean, Nature Communications, DOI:0.1038/ncomms8587, 2015.

[A73] Matsuzaki, K.M., Suzuki, N., Nishi, H., Hayashi, H., Gyawali, B.R., Takashima, R., Ikehara, M., Early to Middle Pleistocene paleoceanographic history of southern Japan based on radiolarian data from IODP Exp. 314/315 Sites C0001 and C0002, Marine Micropaleontology, 118, 17–33, 2015.

[A72] Kuroda, J., Ihoriya, N., Hori, R., Ogawa, N., Ikehara, M., Tanimizu, M., Ohkouchi, N., Geochemistry of Aptian bedded chert succession from the deep Pacific basin: new insights into Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a, in Neal, C.R., Sager, W.W., Sano, T., and Erba, E., eds., The Origin, Evolution, and Environmental Impact of Oceanic Large Igneous Provinces: Geological Society of America Special Paper 511, p. 307–330, doi:10.1130/2015.2511(16), 2015.

[A71] Shinozaki, T., Fujino, S., Ikehara, M., Sawai, Y., Tamura, T., Goto, K., Sugawara, D., Abe, T., Marine biomarkers deposited on coastal land by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami, Natural Hazards, 77, 445-460, 2015.

[A70] Van Kranendonk, M.J., Mazumder, R., Yamaguchi, K.E., Yamada, K., Ikehara, M., Sedimentology of the Paleoproterozoic Kungarra Formation, Turee Creek Group, Western Australia: A conformable record of the transition from early to modern Earth, Precambrian Research, 256, 314-343, 2015.


[A69] Kiyokawa, S., Koge, S., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., An ocean-floor carbonaceous sedimentary sequence in the 3.2-Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Western Australia, Precambrian Research, 255, 124–143, 2014.

[A68] Jan-Rainer Riethdorf, Benoit Thibodeau, Minoru Ikehara, Dirk Nürnberg, Lars Max, Ralf Tiedemann, and Yusuke Yokoyama, Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering Sea since 180 ka BP: Insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes, Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.03.007,

[A67] Yuka Maekawa, Tetsuro Hirono, Hikaru Yabuta, Hideki Mukoyoshi, Manami Kitamura, Minoru Ikehara, Wataru Tanikawa and Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Estimation of slip parameters associated with frictional heating during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake by vitrinite reflectance geothermometry, Earth, Planets and Space, 2014, 66:28.

[A66] Akira Ijiri, Masako Yamane, Minoru Ikehara, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yusuke Okazaki, On-line oxygen isotope analysis of sub-milligram quantities of biogenic opal using the iHTR method coupled with continuous-flow IRMS, Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(5) 455–462, 2014.

[A65] Kenji M. Matsuzaki, Hiroshi Nishi, Hiroki Hayashi, Noritoshi Suzuki, Babu R. Gyawali, Minoru Ikehara, Takuyuki Tanaka, Reishi Takashima, Radiolarian biostratigraphic scheme and stable oxygen isotope stratigraphy in southern Japan (IODP Expedition 315 Site C0001), Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 47/1, 107-130, 2014.

[A64] Gallagher, S.J., Exon, N., Seton, M., Ikehara, M., Hollis, C.J., Arculus, R., D'Hondt, S., Foster, C., Gurnis, M., Kennett, J.P., McKay, R., Malakoff, A., Mori, J., Takai, K., Wallace, L., Exploring new drilling prospects in the southwest Pacific. Scientific Drilling, 17, 45-50, 2014.

[A63] Takuya Sagawa, Michinobu Kuwae, Kentaro Tsuruoka, Yugo Nakamura, Minoru Ikehara, Masafumi Murayama, Solar forcing of centennial-scale East Asian winter monsoon variability in the mid- to late Holocene, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395, 124-135, 2014.

[A62] Asahi, H., S. Kender, M. Ikehara, T. Sakamoto, K. Takahashi, A.C. Ravelo, C.A. Alvarez Zarikian, B.K. Khim, and M.J. Leng, Orbital-scale benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphy at the northern Bering Slope Site U1343 (IODP Expedition 323) and its Pleistocene paleoceanographic significance, Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.01.004.

[A61] Masayuki Sakakibara, Hisanari Sugawara, Tomohiro Tsuji and Minoru Ikehara, Filamentous microbial fossil from low-grade metamorphosed basalt in northern Chichibu belt, central Shikoku, Japan, Planetary and Space Science, 95, 84-83, 2014.

[A60] H. Sugawara, M. Sakakibara, M. Ikehara, Recrystallized microbial trace fossils from metamorphosed Permian basalt, southwestern Japan, Planetary and Space Science, 95, 79-83, 2014.

[A59] Oiwane, H., Ikehara, M., Suganuma, Y., Miura, H., Nakamura, Y., Sato, T., Nogi, Y.,?? Yamane, M., Yokoyama, Y., Sediment waves on the Conrad Rise, Southern Indian Ocean: implications for the migration history of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Marine Geology, 348, 27-36, 2014.


[A58] Akira Ijiri, Yoko Ohtomo, Yuki Morono, Minoru Ikehara, Fumio Inagaki, Increased in acetate concentrations during sediment sample onboard storage: a caution for pore-water geochemical analyses, Geochemical Journal, 47, 567-571, 2013.

[A57] Clara T. Bolton, Liao Chang, Steven Clemens, Kazuto Kodama, Minoru Ikehara, Martin Medina-Elizalde, Greig A. Paterson, Andrew P. Roberts, Eelco J. Rohling, Xiang Zhao, A 500,000 year record of equatorial Indian Ocean upper water column structure, Quaternary Science Reviews, 77, 167-180, 2013.

[A56] Michinobu Kuwae, Masanobu Yamamoto, Ken Ikehara, Tomohisa Irino, Keiji Takemura, Takuya Sagawa, Tatsuhiko Sakamoto, Minoru Ikehara, and Hidetaka?Takeoka, Stratigraphy and wiggle-matching-based age model of late Holocene marine sediments in Beppu Bay, southwest Japan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 69, 133-148, 2013.


[A55] Kiyokawa, S, Koge, S, Ito, T, Ikehara, M., Kitajima, F, Yamaguchi, KE and Suganuma, Y, Preliminary report on the Dixon Island – Cleaverville Drilling Project, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2012/14, 39p, 2012.

[A54] Rella, S.F., Tada, R., Nagashima, K., Ikehara, M., Itaki, T., Ohkushi, K., Sakamoto, T., Harada, N., Uchida, M., Abrupt changes of intermediate water properties on the northeastern slope of the Bering Sea during the last glacial and deglacial period, Paleoceanography, VOL. 27, PA3203, doi:10.1029/2011PA002205, 2012. PDF

[A53] Sagawa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Ikehara, M., Kuwae, M., Shoaling of the western equatorial Pacific thermocline during the last glacial maximum inferred from multispecies temperature reconstruction of planktonic foraminifera, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 120-129, 346-347, 2012.

[A52] Yamazaki, T., and M. Ikehara, Origin of magnetic mineral concentration variation in the Southern Ocean, Paleoceanography, 27, PA2206, doi:10.1029/2011PA002271, 2012. PDF

[A51] Kiyokawa, S., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., Yamaguchi, K.E., Koge, S., and Sakamoto, R., Lateral variations in the lithology and organic chemistry of a black shale sequence on the Mesoarchean sea floor affected by hydrothermal processes: The Dixon Island Formation of the coastal Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia, Island Arc, 21, 118-147, 2012. PDF

[A50] Kiyokawa, S., Ninomiya, T., Nagata, T., Oguri, K., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., and Yamaguchi, K.E., Effects of tides and weather on sedimentation of iron-oxyhydroxides in a shallow-marine hydrothermal environment at Nagahama Bay, Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island, Kagoshima, southwest Japan, Island Arc, 21, 1-13, 2012. PDF

[A49] Katsuki, K., Ikehara, M., Yokoyama, Y., Yamane, M., Khim, B-K., Holocene migration of oceanic front systems over the Conrad Rise in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean, Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 203-210, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/jqw.1535. PDF


[A48] Moriwaki, H., Suzuki, T., Murata, M., Ikehara, M., Machida, H., Lowe, D.J., Sakurajima-Satsuma (Sz-S) and Noike-Yumugi (N-Ym) tephras: New tephrochronological marker beds for the last deglaciation, southern Kyushu, Japan, Quaternary International, 246, 203-212, 2011. PDF

[A47] Laura M. Wehrmann, Nils Risgaard-Petersen, Heather N. Schrum, Emily A. Walsh, Youngsook Huh, Minoru Ikehara, Steven D'Hondt, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Ana Christina Ravelo, Kozo Takahashi, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 Scientific Party, (2011) Coupled organic and inorganic carbon cycling in the deep subseafloor sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323), Chemical Geology, 284, 251-261. PDF

[A46] Hori, R.S., Yamakita, S., Ikehara, M., Kodama, K., Aita, Y., Sakai, T., Takemura, A., Kamata, Y., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, S., Sp?rli, K. B., and Grant-Mackie, J. A., (2011) Early Triassic (Induan) Radiolaria and carbon-isotope ratios of a deep-sea sequence from Waiheke Island, North Island, New Zealand, Paleoworld, 20, 166-178. PDF

[A45] Domitsu, H., Uchida, J., Ogane, K., Dobuchi, N., Sato, T., Ikehara, M., Nishi, H., Hasegawa, S., Oda, M., (2011) Stratigraphic relationships between the last occurrence of Neogloboquadrina inglei and marine isotope stages in the northwest Pacific, D/V Chikyu Expedition 902, Hole C9001C, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 44, 113-122. PDF

[A44] Sagawa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Ikehara, M., Kuwae, M., (2011) Vertical thermal structure history in the western subtropical Pacific since the last glacial maximum, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.38, L00F02, doi:10.1029/2010GL045827. PDF

[A43] Takahashi K., Ravelo A. C., Alvarez-Zarikian C. A., and IODP Expedition 323 Scientists, (2011) IODP Expedition 323 Pliocene and Pleistocene paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea. Scientific Drilling, 11, 4-13.


[A42] Tyler, J., Kashiyama, Y., Ohkouchi, N., Ogawa, N., Yokoyama, Y., Chikaraishi, Y., Staff, R. A., Ikehara, M., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi, T., Yonenobu, H., Nakagawa, T., (2010) Tracking aquatic change using chlorin-specific carbon and nitrogen isotopes: The last glacial-interglacial transition at Lake Suigetsu, Japan, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, VOL. 11, Q09010, 19 PP., doi:10.1029/2010GC003186. PDF

[A41] Akikuni, K., Hori, R. S., Grant-Mackie, J. A., Ikehara, M., Stratigraphy of Triassic-Jurassic boundary sequences from the Kawhia coast and Awakino gorge, Murihiku Terrane, New Zealand, Stratigraphy, 7, 1-18, 2010.

[A40] 青池 寛?西 弘嗣?坂本竜彦?飯島耕一?土屋正史?平 朝彦?倉本真一?眞砂英樹,下北コア微化石研究グループ,地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」の下北半島沖慣熟航海コア試料一物性変動から予測される古環境変動一,化石,87, 65-81, 2010. CiNii PDF

[A39] 堂満華子?西 弘嗣?内田淳一?尾田太良?大金薫?平 朝彦?青池 寛?下北コア微化石研究グループ,地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」の下北半島沖慣熟航海コア試料の年代モデル,化石,87, 47-64, 2010. CiNii PDF


[A38] IKEHARA, M., D. AKITA, and A. MATSUDA, Enhanced marine productivity in the Kuroshio region off Shikoku during the last glacial period inferred from the accumulation and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matter, Journal of Quaternary Science, 24 (8), 848-855, 2009. PDF

[A37] Hamada, Y., T. Hirono, M. Ikehara, W. Soh, S.-R. Song, Estimated dynamic shear stress and frictional heat during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: a chemical kinetics approach with isothermal heating experiments, Tectonophysics. 469 (1-4), 73-84, 2009. abstract

[A36] Kuwae, M., Y. Hayami, H. Oda, A. Yamashita, A. Amano, A. Kaneda, M. Ikehara, Y. Inouchi, K. Omori, H. Takeoka, and H. Kawahata, Using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect an ocean-warming trend in the twentieth century from coastal shelf sediments in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan, The Holocene, 19, 285-294, 2009. abstract

[A35] 庵谷奈津子,堀利栄,池原実,四万十帯白亜系層状チャートにおけるOAE1a無酸素水塊の深度予測とd13Corg?微量元素変動,大阪微化石研究会誌,特別号,第14号,297-315,2009.


[A34] Hashimoto, Y., Tadai, O., Tanimizu, M., Tanikawa, W., Hirono, T., Lin, W., Mishima, M., Sakaguchi, M., Soh, W., Song, S.?R., Aoike, K.,?Ishikawa, T. M.?Murayama, T., Fujimoto, K., Fukuchi, T., Ikehara, M., Ito, H., Kikuta, H., Kinoshita, M., Masuda, K., Matsubara, T., Matsubayashi, O., Mizoguchi, K., Nakamura, N., Otsuki, K., Shimamoto, T., Sone, H., and Takahashi, M., Characteristics of chlorites in seismogenic fault zones: the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) core sample, eEarth, 3, 1-6, 2008.


[A33] Hirono, T., T. Yokoyama, Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, T. Mishima, M. Ikehara, V. Famin, M. Tanimizu, W. Lin, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song, A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.34, L19308, doi:10.1029/2007GL030743, 2007.

[A32] Hori, R.S., Higuchi,Y., Fujiki, T., Maeda, T., Ikehara, M., Geochemistry of the Oruatemanu Formation, Arrow Rocks, Northland, New Zealand, GNS Science Monograph, 24, 123-156, 2007.

[A31] Hori, R.S., Ikehara, M., Preliminary report on Early Triassic acritarchs from Arrow Rocks, Northland, New Zealand, GNS Science Monograph, 24, 117-122, 2007.

[A30] Ikehara, M., Tetsuro Hirono, Osamu Tadai, Masumi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Kikuta, Tatsuro Fukuchi, Toshiaki Mishima, Norihiro Nakamura, Kan Aoike, Koichiro Fujimoto, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Hisao Ito, Masataka Kinoshita, Weiren Lin, Koji Masuda, Takuo Matsubara, Osamu Matsubayashi, Kazuo Mizoguchi, Masafumi Murayama, Kenshiro Otsuki, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Hiroki Sone, Miki Takahashi, Wataru Tanikawa, Masaharu Tanimizu, Wonn Soh, and Sheng-Rong Song, Low total and inorganic carbon contents within the Chelungpu fault system, Geochemical Journal, 41, 391-396, 2007. PDF

[A29] Kuwae, M., H. Yamaguchi, N. K. Tsugeki, H. Miyasaka, K. Fukumori, M. Ikehara, M. Genkai-Kato, K. Omori, T. Sugimoto, S. Ishida, H. Takeoka, Spatial distribution of organic and sulfur geochemical parameters of oxic to anoxic surface sediments in Beppu Bay in southwest Japan, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72, 348-358, 2007.


[A28] Hirono, T., M. Ikehara, T. Mishima, W. Soh, W. Lin, E.-C. Yeh, and Y.-B. Tsai, Disk-shaped black materials discovered from the Taiwan Chelungpu fault, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L19311, doi:10.1029/2006GL027329, 2006. abstract

[A27] Okazaki, Y., O. Seki, T. Nakatsuka, T. Sakamoto, M. Ikehara, K. Takahashi, Cycladophora davisiana (Radiolaria) in the Okhotsk Sea: a key for reconstructing glacial ocean conditions, Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 639-648, 2006.

[A26] Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Uchida, M., Aoki, Shibata, Y., K., Kanamatsu, T., Harada, N., Iijima, K., Katsuki, K., Asahi, H., Takahashi, K., Sakai, H., Kawahata, H., Millennial-scale variations of sea-ice expansion in the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea during 120 kyr: Age model, and ice-rafted debris in IMAGES Core MD01-2412, Global and Planetary Change, 53, 58-77, 2006. PDF

[A25] Kameo, K., Okada, M., El-Masry, M., Hisamitsu, T., Saito, S., Nakazato, H., Ohkouchi, N., Ikehara, M., Kitazato, H., and Taira, A., An age model and physical properties of the upper Quaternary core sediments in the Choshi area, central Japan, and their paleoceanographic significance, The Island Arc, 15 (3), 366-377, 2006.

[A24] Harada, N., Ahagon, N., Sakamoto, T., Uchida, M., Ikehara, M., and Shibata, Y., Rapid fluctuation of alkenone temperature in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during the past 120 kyr, Global and Planetary Change, 53, 29-36, 2006.

[A23] 池原 実?村山雅史?多田井修?外西奈津美?大道修宏?川幡穂高?安田尚登,四国沖から採取された2本のIMAGESコアを用いた第四紀後期におけるテフラ層序,化石,79, 60-76, 2006. CiNii PDF

[A22] Kiyokawa, S., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., and Kitajima, F., Middle Archean volcano-hydrothermal sequence: bacterial-bearing 3.2-Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Australia, GSA Bulletin, 118, 3-22, 2006. abstract


[A21] Sakamoto, T., M. Ikehara, K. Aoki, K. Iijima, N. Kimura, T. Nakatsuka, and M. Wakatsuchi Ice-rafted debris (IRD) based sea-ice expansion events during the past 100 kyrs in the Okhotsk Sea, Deep Sea Research II, 52, 2275-2301, 2005. PDF

[A20] Okazaki, Y., K. Takahashi, K. Katsuki, A. Ono, J. Hori, T. Sakamoto, M. Uchida, Y. Shibata, M. Ikehara, and K. Aoki, Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea: Based on analyses of geochemical, radiolarian, and diatom records, Deep-Sea Research II 52 (16-18), 2332-2350, 2005.

[A19] Seki, O., Kawamura, K., Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Nakatsuka, T., Wakatsuchi, M., Decreased surface salinity in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last glacial period estimated from alkenones, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, doi:10.1029/2004GL022177, 2005. abstract


[A18] Seki, O., M. Ikehara, K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, H. Narita, T. Sakamoto and K. Ohnishi, Reconstruction of plaeoproductivity in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 30 kyrs, Paleoceanography, Vol. 19, doi: 10.1029/2002PA000808, 2004. PDF

[A17] Seki, O., K. Kawamura, M. Ikehara, T. Nakatsuka, T. Oba, Variation of alkenone sea surface temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 85 kyrs, Organic Geochemistry, 35, 347-354, 2004. abstract


[A16] Okazaki, Y., K. Takahashi, H. Yoshitani, T. Nakatsuka, M. Ikehara, M. Wakatsuchi, Radiolaria under the seasonally sea-ice covered conditions in the Okhotsk Sea: flux and their implications for paleoceanography, Marine Micropaleontology, 49, 195-230, 2003.

[A15] Koizumi, I., Shiga, K., Irino, T., and Ikehara, M., Diatom records of the late Holocene in the Okhotsk Sea, Marine Micropaleontology, 49, 139-156, 2003.

[A14] Kimoto, K., Takaoka, H., Oda, M., Ikehara, M., Matsuoka, H., Oba, T., and Taira, A., Carbonate dissolution and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages observed in three piston cores collected above the lysocline in the western equatorial Pacific, Marine Micropaleontology, 47, 227-251, 2003. abstract

[A13] Seki, O., K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, K. Ohnishi, M. Ikehara and M. Wakatsuchi, Sediment core profiles of long-chain n-alkanes in the Sea of Okhotsk: Enhanced transport of terrestrial organic matter from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.30, No.1, 1001, doi: 10.1029/2001GRL014464, 2003.


[A12] 山本正伸,入野智久,大場忠道,村山雅史,池原実,日本近海の長尺ピストンコアリングに見いだされたスープ状擾乱層,石油技術協会誌,67,6,590-593,2002

[A11] Narita, H., Sato, M., Tsunogai, S., Ikehara, M., Natatsuka, T., Wakatsuchi, M., Harada, N., Ujiie, Y., Biogenic opal indicating less productive northwesten North Pacific during the glacial ages, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 22-26, 2002.


[A10] A. Rosell-Mele, E. Bard, K.-C. Emeis, J. O. Grimalt, P. Muller, R. Schneider, I., Bouloubassi, B. Epstein, K. Fahl, A. Fluegge, K. Freeman, M. Goni, U. Guntner, D., Hartz, S. Hellebust, T. Herbert, M. Ikehara, R. Ishiwatari, K. Kawamura, F. Kenig, J. de Leeuw, S. Lehman, L. Mejanelle, N. Ohkouchi, R. D. Pancost, C. Pelejero, F. Prahl, J. Quinn, J.-F. Rontani, F. Rostek, J. Rullkotter, J. Sachs, T. Blanz, K. Sawada, D. Schulz-Bull, E. Sikes, C. Sonzogni, Y. Ternois, G. Versteegh, J. K. Volkman, and S. Wakeham, Precision of the current methods to measure the alkenone proxy UK'37 and absolute alkenone abundance in sediments: Results of an interlaboratory comparison study, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2, July 6, 2001.(Go to text in the G-cubed site)

[A9] 池原 実?竹本紀之?大河内直彦?河村公隆,南大洋の表層堆積物における多環芳香族炭化水素の緯度分布,地球化学,35,73-84,2001. PDF


[A8] 河村公隆?加治貴?大河内直彦?中塚武?池原実,北部北太平洋?ベーリング海における懸濁粒子の脂質成分?安定炭素同位体比の鉛直分布,日本プランクトン学会報、47, 140-143, 2000.

[A7] Ikehara, M., K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi, M. Murayama, T. Nakamura, and A. Taira, Variations of terrestrial input and marine productivity in the Southern Ocean (48?S) during the last two deglaciations, Paleoceanography, 15, 170-180, 2000. PDF

[A6] Ohkouchi, N., Kawamura, K., Takemoto, N., Ikehara, M., and Nakatsuka, T., Implications of carbon isotope ratios of C27-C33 alkanes and C37 alkenes for the sources of organic matter in the Southern Ocean surface sediments, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 233-236, 2000.


[A5] Ikehara, M., K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi and A. Taira, Organic geochemistry of greenish clay and organic rich sediments since early Miocene from Hole 985A, Norway Basin, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 162, 209-216, 1999. PDF


[A4] Hyun, S., Ikehara, M., Jansen, E., and Raymo, M. E., Scientific achievements of the ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 162), The Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society, 19 (2), 260-268, 1998.


[A3] Ikehara, M., K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi, K. Kimoto, M. Murayama, T. Nakamura, T. Oba, and A. Taira, Alkenone sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean for the last two deglaciations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 679-682, 1997. PDF


[A2] Hyun S., N. Ahagon, S. Saito, M. Ikehara, T. Oba, and A. Taira, Geochemical evidence for spatial paleoproductivity variations in the Northwest Pacific (Shikoku Basin) during the last glacial maximum. The Journal of the Korea Society of Oceanography, 31, 207-216, 1996.


[A1] Nakatsuka, T., Harada, N., Matsumoto, E., Handa, N., Oba, T., Ikehara, M., Matsuoka, H., and Kimoto, K., Glacial-interglacial migration of an upwelling field in the western equatorial Pacific recorded by sediment 15N/14N, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 2525-2528, 1995.

B: Review Papers (peer-reviewed)■

[B02] 池原 実,南大洋における海洋フロントの南北シフト?現代および第四紀後期の海氷分布,南極前線,南極周極流の移動と気候変動のリンケージ?,地学雑誌121, 518-535, 2012. PDF

[B01] 池原 実,南大洋古海洋学-第四紀後期における表層水塊と生物生産量の時系列変動-,地質学雑誌, 107, 46-63, 2001.

C: Original Papers (non-reviewed)■

[C28] 池原研、池原実、村山雅史、歴代講師?世話人?チューター?サポーター一同、コアスクールコア解析基礎コース:その概要と沿革GSJ地質188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】、5, 320-327, 2016.

[C27] 清川昌一、原田拓人、池原実、伊藤孝、鬼界カルデラにおける表層堆積物の主成分元素組成、茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学)、65号、81-94, 2016.

[C26] 菅沼悠介,野木義史,池原実(2014ANDRILL Coulman High計画ロス棚氷上からの地質掘削で取り組む高CO2世界の南極氷床復元?,月刊地球,36 (2)87-94.

[C25] Kim, Y.H., Katsuki, K., Suganuma, Y., Ikehara, M., Khim, B.-K., Variations of biogenic components in the region off the Lützow-Holm Bay East Antarctica during the Last 700 Kyr, Ocean and Polar Research, 33 (3) , pp. 211-221, 2011.

[C24] 河田 大樹?池原 実?三崎 潤浮遊性有孔虫の飼育実験法の確立とその応用~Globigerinoides sacculiferの殻形成と生態の観察~,188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】学術研究報告, 第59巻197-208, 2010.

[C23] 池原 実,岩井 雅夫,近藤 康生,北 重太,服部 菜保,高知県室戸半島に分布する唐の浜層群穴内層ボーリングコア(ANA-1)の非破壊物性解析,188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】学術研究報告, 第59巻,183-195, 2010.

[C22] Yamaguchi, K. E., Kiyokawa, S., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., Kitajima, F., and Suganuma, Y., Clues of Early Life: Dixon Island-Cleaverville Drilling Project (DXCL-DP) in the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia, Scientific Drilling, 7, 34-37, 2009.

[C21] 廣田深,伊谷行,池原実,上田拓史,木下泉,土佐湾沿岸域における浮遊性有孔虫群集,188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】海洋生物教育研究センター研究報告,26, 1-7, 2010.

[C20] 高下将一郎?清川昌一?伊藤 孝?池原 実,西オ ーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質-9:デキソンアイランドDX-A?D?E?F地域の地質,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然)57号, 17-25, 2008.

[C19] 清川昌一?稲本雄介?伊藤 孝?池原 実?北島富美雄,太古代海底熱水系の地質1:南アフリカ?バーバートン帯中の33億年前マサウリ亜層の岩相と全有機炭素量および炭素同位体比,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然)57号, 7-15, 2008.

[C18] 高下将一郎?清川昌一?伊藤 孝?池原 実?北島富美雄,西オ ーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質-8:黒色チャート部層の全有機炭素量と炭素同位体比の岩相?側方変化,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学)56 号, 1-6, 2007.

[C17] Ikehara, M., Marine geological observation during the R/V Hakuho-Maru KH07-4 cruise off Luzow-Holm Bay, Antarctic Ocean and paleoceanographic implications, Proceedings of the International Symposium Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008, pp. 96-97, 2007.

[C16] 清川昌一?片上亜美?池原実?伊藤孝?北島富美雄,西オーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質-7: DX B e-4, e-5の岩相と有機炭素量および有機物炭素同位体比?,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学)55,29-39, 2006.

[C15] 北島富美雄?桜木智明?清川昌一?伊藤孝?池原実, 西オーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質-6: 黒色チャート中に含まれる炭素物質?,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学),54,59-66, 2005.

[C14] 池原実,片上亜美,伊藤孝,清川昌一,北島富美雄,西オーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質-5-有機炭素量および有機物炭素同位体比-,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学),54, 53-57, 2005.

[C13] 池原実?杉山和弘,Leg177:南大洋における海洋表層システム発達史,地球,号外,v.40,深海掘削と新しい地球生命科学-ODPの成果とIODPの展望-,(海洋出版),43-48, 2003 .

[C12] 伊藤孝,清川昌一,前橋千里,池原実,西オーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質2-デキソンアイランドDX B地点の岩石記載-,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学),51, 21-39, 2002.

[C11] 清川昌一,伊藤孝,前橋千里,池原実,西オーストラリア?ピルバラ?デキソンアイランド層の地質1-西オーストラリア?デキソンアイランドの地質概要,茨城大学教育学部紀要(自然科学),51, 1-19, 2002.

[C10] 池原実,大陸棚堆積物の掘削によって進展する南大洋における古海洋変動解析,月刊地球,24 (1), 76-82, 2002.

[C09] 前橋 千里?清川 昌一?池原 実?伊藤 孝:32億年前の微生物化石を含む海底堆積物の産状--西オーストラリア?デキソンアイランド層の例-,堆積学研究, ,53,83-85,(堆積学研究会),2001

[C08] 池原実?大河内直彦?河村公隆,植物プランクトンと海水温度計,月刊海洋/号外,12, 162-165, 1997.

[C07] 池原実?玄相民?ODP Leg 162 乗船研究者一同,北大西洋-北極海古海洋学-深海掘削によって拡がった気候変動解析フロンティア-,月刊地球/号外, 19, 106-109, 1997.

[C06] Raymo, M., E. Jansen, and ODP Leg 162 Shipboard Scientific Party, Frontiers of Climate Research Extended by Ocean Drilling, EOS. Trans. AGU, 77 (8), 75&79, 1996.

[C05] 玄相民?斉藤実篤?阿波根直一?池原実?大場忠道?平朝彦,西七島海域の古生物生産量と堆積物中のバリウムの挙動(予報),月刊海洋, 27, 487-491,1995.

[C04] 大場忠道?村山雅史?松岡裕美?塚脇慎二?岡本孝則?森田澄人?池原実?木元克典,西赤道太平洋の深海底コアKH92-1, Station 3と5の基礎的情報,月刊海洋, 27, 441-446,1995.

[C03] 大河内直彦?阿波根直一?池原実?平朝彦,南極海の堆積物研究の意味と問題点,月刊海洋, 27, 374-377, 1995.

[C02] 池原実?大場忠道,西赤道太平洋における過去20万年間の海洋環境変動-KH92-1 5aPC, 5cBX コアに含まれる有孔虫化石殻の酸素?炭素同位体比-,月刊海洋, 26, 403-409, 1994.

[C01] 小西健二?池原実,グレートバリアリーフ沖 ODP Leg 133 -カーボネートプラットフォーム-,月刊地球/号外,6, 273-281, 1992.

Cruise Reports, etc. ■

Minoru Ikehara, Kimitaka Kawamura, Tadamichi Oba, Kae Matsuda, Masafumi Murayama, Millennial scale oscillations of sea surface salinity in the Sea of Okhotsk during the late Quaternary, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Atmosphere-Ocean-Cryosphere Interaction in the Sea of Okhotsk and the surrounding environment, edited by M. Wakatsuchi and T. Hara, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, pp. 90-91, 2001.

池原実?阿波根直一?木元克典?平朝彦,南大洋における海洋環境変動の解明,海洋研究船による地球温暖化に関わる温室効果気体の海洋における収支の観測研究 ,中間報告書(III),43-51,東京大学海洋研究所, 1996.

Ikehara, M., Ahagon, N., M. Murayama, H. Matsuoka, T. Niwai, Y. Shimanaga, M. Shirayama, C. Tamura, and C. Igarashi, Description of piston core samples in the Southern Ocean, Preliminary Report of KH94-4 Cruise, pp. 69-71, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.

Ikehara, M., Okuno, N., Kimoto, K., and Tadai, O, Description of deep-sea sediments, Preliminary Report of KH96-1 Cruise, pp.121-136, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.


池原実?玄相民,北大西洋-北極海古海洋学-深海掘削によって拡がった気候変動解析フロンティア-,ODP188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】レター,Vol. 14, 12-13, 1997.


池原実?木元克典?平朝彦,有機地球化学的解析に基づく南大洋の古海洋変動,海洋研究船による地球温暖化に関わる温室効果気体の海洋における収支の観測研究 ,中間報告書(IV),東京大学海洋研究所.


杉山和弘?池原実,南大洋古海洋学ー南大西洋緯度トランセクトー,ODP188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】レター,Vol. 15, 25-26, 1998.

Kawamura, K., Ikehara, M., Saito, T., and Kaji, T., Organic geochemistry of aerosols, particulate organic matter, and sediments in the northern North Pacific, Preliminary Report of KH97-2 Cruise, pp.76-84, Univ. of Tokyo, 1998.

池原実?佐藤奏衣?大野恵子?河村公隆,北太平洋におけるエアロゾル,懸濁物,深海堆積物の有機地球化学,Preliminary Report of the R/V Hakuho Maru Cruise, KH00-3, pp.B7-B9, Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, 2000.



Ikehara, M., Late Quaternary paleoceagnographic changes in the Polar Front zone in the Southern Ocean, Preliminary Report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise KH01-3, pp.99-104, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 2003.

池原 実,松田あゆり,大道修宏,岸崎翠,三宅尚,朝日博史,山崎誠,村山雅史,安田尚登,小玉一人,リチャード?ジョルダン,石川剛志,黒潮圏古環境変動に関する研究教育拠点形成,平成15年度教育改善推進費研究成果報告書,188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】, 2004.

坂本竜彦,原田尚美,池原実,総論:21世紀の地球科学を考えるー地球システム?地球進化の解明をめざして,月刊地球号外44,地球システム変動の解明をめざして~地球システム?地球進化ニューイヤースクール,5-14, 2004.

池原実,「コア解析スクール」開催報告,日本地質学会News, 8 (12), 13-14, 2005.

池原実,土佐湾沿岸から土佐海盆の地質と環境,高知市総合調査第1編「地域の自然」,高知市?188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】,pp. 257-268,2009.

池原実,コア解析基礎コース,J-DESC NEWS, vol.3, p2, 2009.

Books ■

ODP Leg 162 Shipboard Scientific Party, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 162, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, 1996.

ODP Leg 177 Shipboard Scientific Party, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 177, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, 1999.

池原実,コアから読み取る氷河時代の黒潮変動,LIBERATION188bet体育_188bet赌场-【平台官网】ラジオ公開講座読本,vol.6, 79-97, 2008.

Expedition 323 Scientists, 2010. Bering Sea paleoceanography: Pliocene?Pleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Sea. IODP Preliminary Report, 323. doi:10.2204/iodp.pr.323.2010.

Dissertations ■

博士論文:Ikehara, M., Late Pleistocene Southern Ocean Paleoceanography based on Organic and Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Dr. S. thesis, Univ. of Tokyo, pp.234, 1997.

修士論文:Ikehara, M., Paleoceanographic changes in the western Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the past 200 kyrs, M.S. thesis, Kanazawa University, pp.73, 1994.

