

IKEHARA, M., D. AKITA, A. MATSUDA, and S. KAWAMURA, Enhanced marine productivity in the western North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during the last glacial period inferred from the accumulation and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matter, Journal of Quaternary Science, in review.

37) Hamada, Y., T. Hirono, M. Ikehara, W. Soh, S.-R. Song, Estimated dynamic shear stress and frictional heat during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: a chemical kinetics approach with isothermal heating experiments, submitted to Tectonophysics. in press.

36) Kuwae, M., Y. Hayami, H. Oda, A. Yamashita, A. Amano, A. Kaneda, M. Ikehara, Y. Inouchi, K. Omori, H. Takeoka, and H. Kawahata, Using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect an ocean-warming trend in the twentieth century from coastal shelf sediments in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan, The Holocene, 19, 285-294, 2009.

35) 埩扟撧捗巕丆杧棙塰丆抮尨幚丆巐枩廫懷敀垷宯憌忬僠儍乕僩偵偍偗傞OAE1a柍巁慺悈夠偺怺搙梊應偲d13Corg丒旝検尦慺曄摦丆戝嶃旝壔愇尋媶夛帍丆摿暿崋丆戞14崋丆297-315丆2009丏

34) Hashimoto, Y., Tadai, O., Tanimizu, M., Tanikawa, W., Hirono, T., Lin, W., Mishima, M., Sakaguchi, M., Soh, W., Song, S. R., Aoike, K., Ishikawa, T. M. Murayama, T., Fujimoto, K., Fukuchi, T., Ikehara, M., Ito, H., Kikuta, H., Kinoshita, M., Masuda, K., Matsubara, T., Matsubayashi, O., Mizoguchi, K., Nakamura, N., Otsuki, K., Shimamoto, T., Sone, H., and Takahashi, M., Characteristics of chlorites in seismogenic fault zones: the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) core sample, eEarth, 3, 1-6, 2008.

33) Hirono, T., T. Yokoyama, Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, T. Mishima, M. Ikehara, V. Famin, M. Tanimizu, W. Lin, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song, A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.34, L19308, doi:10.1029/2007GL030743, 2007.

32) Hori, R.S., Higuchi,Y., Fujiki, T., Maeda, T., Ikehara, M., Geochemistry of the Oruatemanu Formation, Arrow Rocks, Northland, New Zealand, GNS Science Monograph, 24, 123-156, 2007.

31) Hori, R.S., Ikehara, M., Preliminary report on Early Triassic acritarchs from Arrow Rocks, Northland, New Zealand, GNS Science Monograph, 24, 117-122, 2007.

30) Ikehara, M. , Tetsuro Hirono, Osamu Tadai, Masumi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Kikuta, Tatsuro Fukuchi, Toshiaki Mishima, Norihiro Nakamura, Kan Aoike, Koichiro Fujimoto, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Hisao Ito, Masataka Kinoshita, Weiren Lin, Koji Masuda, Takuo Matsubara, Osamu Matsubayashi, Kazuo Mizoguchi, Masafumi Murayama, Kenshiro Otsuki, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Hiroki Sone, Miki Takahashi, Wataru Tanikawa, Masaharu Tanimizu, Wonn Soh, and Sheng-Rong Song, Low total and inorganic carbon contents within the Chelungpu fault system, Geochemical Journal, 41, 391-396, 2007.

29) Kuwae, M., H. Yamaguchi, N. K. Tsugeki, H. Miyasaka, K. Fukumori, M. Ikehara, M. Genkai-Kato, K. Omori, T. Sugimoto, S. Ishida, H. Takeoka, Spatial distribution of organic and sulfur geochemical parameters of oxic to anoxic surface sediments in Beppu Bay in southwest Japan, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72, 348-358, 2007.

28) Hirono, T., M. Ikehara, T. Mishima, W. Soh, W. Lin, E.-C. Yeh, and Y.-B. Tsai, Disk-shaped black materials discovered from the Taiwan Chelungpu fault, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L19311, doi:10.1029/2006GL027329, 2006.

27) Okazaki, Y., O. Seki, T. Nakatsuka, T. Sakamoto, M. Ikehara, K. Takahashi, Cycladophora davisiana (Radiolaria) in the Okhotsk Sea: a key for reconstructing glacial ocean conditions, Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 639-648, 2006.

26) Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Uchida, M., Aoki, Shibata, Y., K., Kanamatsu, T., Harada, N., Iijima, K., Katsuki, K., Asahi, H., Takahashi, K., Sakai, H., Kawahata, H., Millennial-scale variations of sea-ice expansion in the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea during 120 kyr: Age model, and ice-rafted debris in IMAGES Core MD01-2412, Global and Planetary Change, 53, 58-77, 2006.

25) Kameo, K., Okada, M., El-Masry, M., Hisamitsu, T., Saito, S., Nakazato, H., Ohkouchi, N., Ikehara, M., Kitazato, H., and Taira, A., An age model and physical properties of the upper Quaternary core sediments in the Choshi area, central Japan, and their paleoceanographic significance, The Island Arc, 15 (3), 366-377, 2006.

24) Harada, N., Ahagon, N., Sakamoto, T., Uchida, M., Ikehara, M., and Shibata, Y., Rapid fluctuation of alkenone temperature in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during the past 120 kyr, Global and Planetary Change, 53, 29-36, 2006.

23) 抮尨丂幚丒懞嶳夒巎丒懡揷堜廋丒奜惣撧捗旤丒戝摴廋岹丒愳敠曚崅丒埨揷彯搊丆巐崙壂偐傜嵦庢偝傟偨俀杮偺IMAGES僐傾傪梡偄偨戞巐婭屻婜偵偍偗傞僥僼儔憌彉丆壔愇丆79, 60-76, 2006.

22) Kiyokawa, S., Ito, T., Ikehara, M., and Kitajima, F., Middle Archean volcano-hydrothermal sequence: bacterial-bearing 3.2-Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Australia, GSA Bulletin, 118, 3-22, 2006.

21) Sakamoto, T., M. Ikehara, K. Aoki, K. Iijima, N. Kimura, T. Nakatsuka, and M. Wakatsuchi Ice-rafted debris (IRD) based sea-ice expansion events during the past 100 kyrs in the Okhotsk Sea, Deep Sea Research II, 52, 2275-2301, 2005.

20) Okazaki, Y., K. Takahashi, K. Katsuki, A. Ono, J. Hori, T. Sakamoto, M. Uchida, Y. Shibata, M. Ikehara, and K. Aoki, Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea: Based on analyses of geochemical, radiolarian, and diatom records, Deep-Sea Research II 52 (16-18), 2332-2350, 2005.

19) Seki, O., Kawamura, K., Sakamoto, T., Ikehara, M., Nakatsuka, T., Wakatsuchi, M., Decreased surface salinity in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last glacial period estimated from alkenones, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, doi:10.1029/2004GL022177, 2005.

18) Seki, O., M. Ikehara, K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, H. Narita, T. Sakamoto and K. Ohnishi, Reconstruction of plaeoproductivity in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 30 kyrs, Paleoceanography, Vol. 19, doi: 10.1029/2002PA000808, 2004.

17) Seki, O., K. Kawamura, M. Ikehara, T. Nakatsuka, T. Oba, Variation of alkenone sea surface temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 85 kyrs, Organic Geochemistry, 35, 347-354, 2004.

16) Okazaki, Y., K. Takahashi, H. Yoshitani, T. Nakatsuka, M. Ikehara, M. Wakatsuchi, Radiolaria under the seasonally sea-ice covered conditions in the Okhotsk Sea: flux and their implications for paleoceanography, Marine Micropaleontology, 49, 195-230, 2003.

15) Koizumi, I., Shiga, K., Irino, T., and Ikehara, M., Diatom records of the late Holocene in the Okhotsk Sea, Marine Micropaleontology, 49, 139-156, 2003.

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13) Kimoto, K., Takaoka, H., Oda, M., Ikehara, M., Matsuoka, H., Oba, T., and Taira, A., Carbonate dissolution and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages observed in three piston cores collected above the lysocline in the western equatorial Pacific, Marine Micropaleontology, 47, 227-251, 2003.

12) Narita, H., Sato, M., Tsunogai, S., Ikehara, M., Natatsuka, T., Wakatsuchi, M., Harada, N., Ujiie, Y., Biogenic opal indicating less productive northwesten North Pacific during the glacial ages, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 22-26, 2002.

11) Seki, O., K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, K. Ohnishi, M. Ikehara and M. Wakatsuchi, Sediment core profiles of long-chain n-alkanes in the Sea of Okhotsk: Enhanced transport of terrestrial organic matter from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.30, No.1, 1001, doi: 10.1029/2001GRL014464, 2003.

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8) 壨懞岞棽丒壛帯婱丒戝壨撪捈旻丒拞捤晲丒抮尨幚丆杒晹杒懢暯梞丒儀乕儕儞僌奀偵偍偗傞寽戺棻巕偺帀幙惉暘丒埨掕扽慺摨埵懱斾偺墧捈暘晍丆擔杮僾儔儞僋僩儞妛夛曬丄47, 140-143, 2000丏

7) Ikehara, M., K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi, M. Murayama, T. Nakamura, and A. Taira, Variations of terrestrial input and marine productivity in the Southern Ocean (48) during the last two deglaciations, Paleoceanography, 15, 170-180, 2000.

6) Ohkouchi, N., Kawamura, K., Takemoto, N., Ikehara, M., and Nakatsuka, T., Implications of carbon isotope ratios of C27-C33 alkanes and C37 alkenes for the sources of organic matter in the Southern Ocean surface sediments, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 233-236, 2000.

5) Ikehara, M., K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi and A. Taira, Organic geochemistry of greenish clay and organic rich sediments since early Miocene from Hole 985A, Norway Basin, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 162, 209-216, 1999.

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21) 淎揷怺丆埳扟峴丆抮尨幚丆忋揷戱巎丆栘壓愹丆搚嵅榩増娸堟偵偍偗傞晜梀惈桳岴拵孮廤丆崅抦戝妛奀梞惗暔嫵堢尋媶僙儞僞乕尋媶曬崘丆2008. (報嶞拞)

20) 崅壓彨堦榊丒惔愳徆堦丒埳摗 岶丒抮尨 幚丆惣僆 乕僗僩儔儕傾丒僺儖僶儔丒僨僉僜儞傾僀儔儞僪憌偺抧幙-俋:僨僉僜儞傾僀儔儞僪DX-A丒D丒E丒F抧堟偺抧幙丆堬忛戝妛嫵堢妛晹婭梫乮帺慠乯57崋, 17-25, 2008.

19) 惔愳徆堦丒堫杮梇夘丒埳摗 岶丒抮尨 幚丒杒搰晉旤梇丆懢屆戙奀掙擬悈宯偺抧幙侾丗撿傾僼儕僇丒僶乕僶乕僩儞懷拞偺33壄擭慜儅僒僂儕垷憌偺娾憡偲慡桳婡扽慺検偍傛傃扽慺摨埵懱斾丆堬忛戝妛嫵堢妛晹婭梫乮帺慠乯57崋, 7-15, 2008.

18) 崅壓彨堦榊丒惔愳徆堦丒埳摗 岶丒抮尨 幚丒杒搰晉旤梇丆惣僆 乕僗僩儔儕傾丒僺儖僶儔丒僨僉僜儞傾僀儔儞僪憌偺抧幙-8:崟怓僠儍乕僩晹憌偺慡桳婡扽慺検偲扽慺摨埵懱斾偺娾憡丒懁曽曄壔丆堬忛戝妛嫵堢妛晹婭梫乮帺慠壢妛乯56 崋, 1-6, 2007.

17) Ikehara, M., Marine geological observation during the R/V Hakuho-Maru KH07-4 cruise off Luzow-Holm Bay, Antarctic Ocean and paleoceanographic implications, Proceedings of the International Symposium Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008, pp. 96-97, 2007.

16) 惔愳徆堦丒曅忋垷旤丒抮尨幚丒埳摗岶丒杒搰晉旤梇丆惣僆乕僗僩儔儕傾丒僺儖僶儔丒僨僉僜儞傾僀儔儞僪憌偺抧幙?俈?DX B e-4, e-5偺娾憡偲桳婡扽慺検偍傛傃桳婡暔扽慺摨埵懱斾?丆堬忛戝妛嫵堢妛晹婭梫乮帺慠壢妛乯55丆29-39, 2006丏

15) 杒搰晉旤梇丒嶗栘抭柧丒惔愳徆堦丒埳摗岶丒抮尨幚,丂惣僆乕僗僩儔儕傾丒僺儖僶儔丒僨僉僜儞傾僀儔儞僪憌偺抧幙?俇?崟怓僠儍乕僩拞偵娷傑傟傞扽慺暔幙?丆堬忛戝妛嫵堢妛晹婭梫乮帺慠壢妛乯丆54丆59-66, 2005丏

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  • Minoru Ikehara, Kimitaka Kawamura, Tadamichi Oba, Kae Matsuda, Masafumi Murayama, Millennial scale oscillations of sea surface salinity in the Sea of Okhotsk during the late Quaternary, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Atmosphere-Ocean-Cryosphere Interaction in the Sea of Okhotsk and the surrounding environment, edited by M. Wakatsuchi and T. Hara, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, pp. 90-91, 2001.
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  • Ikehara, M., Okuno, N., Kimoto, K., and Tadai, O, Description of deep-sea sediments, Preliminary Report of KH96-1 Cruise, pp.121-136, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.
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  • Kawamura, K., Ikehara, M., Saito, T., and Kaji, T., Organic geochemistry of aerosols, particulate organic matter, and sediments in the northern North Pacific, Preliminary Report of KH97-2 Cruise, pp.76-84, Univ. of Tokyo, 1998.
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